40 Common Types Of Vermont Wildflowers Including Photos

Wildflowers are some of the best parts of nature. They grow where they want and they help to keep the delicate balance of nature where it should be.

40 Common Types Of Vermont wildflowers Including Photos

The thing that makes wildflowers so alluring is the wonderful array of shapes and colors that they feature.  

Vermont is a state that is known for its stunning fall foliage and its incredible maple syrup. However, one thing that shouldn’t be overlooked is the beautiful variety of wildflowers that grow in the woodlands and on verges throughout the state.  

Although Vermont isn’t on the map for its wildflowers, they are definitely worth checking out.  Below are 40 common types of Vermont wildflowers with photos to help you appreciate their incredible beauty. 

Spring Vermont Wildflowers

As with all types of flowers, there are certain species of wildflowers that bloom exclusively in the spring in Vermont.  In this section, we will look at the wildflowers that bloom in Vermont throughout the spring. 

1. Bishop’s Cap

Bishop’s cap is an incredibly delicate type of flower. From a distance, it looks like these tiny, white flowers are cascading through the air toward the leaves. Get a little closer and you will see that they actually look like snowflakes on a stem.

The flowers feature five petals that are split into thin threads that resemble the shape of snow. These intricate flowers can be found in woodland all across Vermont. As the weather begins to warm up toward the summer, the fragile petals fall to reveal tiny cups of seeds.

2. Herb Robert

Herb Robert is also known as Stinking Bob which might be slightly off-putting. However, these are some of the most beautiful wildflowers in the state.

Part of the geranium family, these small pink flowers pop up with abundance in the spring and last through until fall. 

Herb Robert is a wildflower that is native to Vermont and it thrives in rocky woodland or on cliffs and ledges.

The leaves of this flower are hairy and emit an unpleasant odor which earned it the nickname Stinking Bob. It is unknown who Robert was, but there are theories that it could have been Robin Hood himself. 

3. Red Trillium

Red Trillium is an incredibly distinctive wildflower that has a helpful purpose when you are on a hike. This flower is also known as Nosebleed, not for its deep red color, but for its astringent properties that can be used to stop a nosebleed.

Despite the stunning aesthetics of the three richly colored petals, this is another Vermont wildflower that exudes an unappealing scent. This odor serves to attract carrion flies and other beetles that help to pollinate the plant. 

4. Wild Columbine

This wildflower has a unique and dynamic shape that inspires its name. The word “Columba” means “dove” and many people say that the wild columbine flower looks like a dove taking flight.

These delicate and dynamic-looking flowers really stand out against the foliage of the Vermont woodland. This striking wildflower is known for attracting butterflies and hummingbirds with its sweet nectar.  

5. Spring Beauties

Spring Beauties are some of the most accurately named wildflowers that you will come across in Vermont. These beautiful little flowers bloom in the springtime and are exactly the sort of flower you think of when you think of this season. 

You will find Spring Beauties covering the floor of Vermont woodland. They are the earliest wildflowers to bloom in the state and are a sign that warmer weather is on the way. 

6. Trout Lily

The Trout Lily wildflowers have an unusual name to match their unusual appearance. The name is inspired by the mottled leaves that remind people of the speckled trout. This wildflower is often the first flash of green that appears after the winter.

The petals of this flower are a stunning, bright yellow tone and the pollen-producing stamens can either be yellow or brown.  The different colors can attract different types of insects.

7. Hepatica

Another early bloomer is the Hepatica flower, a member of the buttercup family. The weather has to be sunny for these beautiful flowers to open, but they can be seen on the forest floor as early as the first week of April.

These exquisite flowers are able to survive in the early days of spring because of their incredible defense mechanisms. Remaining closed during dull, cold weather helps them to conserve energy. Also, the hairs on their buds help to protect them from the cold.

8. Blue Cohosh

The most important thing to know about Blue Cohosh is that it is a completely different plant from Black Cohosh. Although they share the same name, the Black Cohosh doesn’t grow wild in Vermont.

The small flowers feature deep burgundy petals and bright yellow stamens which provide a stunning contrast.

This plant also has medicinal properties that have been used to treat conditions that affect the female reproductive system.

9. Early Meadow Rue

This is another Vermont wildflower that has incredibly small, delicate flowers. The shape and structure of the flowers depend on whether the plant is male or female.

The male plant will feature pollen-bearing stamens that hang down and flutter in the wind. The plant is pollinated by the wind. 

The female Early Meadow Rue flowers feature sticky receptive stigmas that catch the pollen that is blowing in the breeze. This then fertilizes the plant and allows it to spread through the forest.

10. White Trillium

White Trillium is from the same family as the Red Trillium that we looked at above. However, it deserves its own dedicated section thanks to its stunning beauty. This wildflower can be found covering the forest floor in place of the winter snow.

This particular type of Trillium is found exclusively in the Western part of the state.  The flowers begin to fade to purple as they mature. 

11. Dutchman’s Breeches

This wildflower gets its name from the way that it looks. The flowers that are produced by this plant are thought to look like pantaloons. This is another wildflower that can be found on the floor of Vermont’s woodland in April.

By late June, there is no evidence that this wildflower was ever there. Instead, they retreat underground and exist as pink bulblets. They remain dormant in the summer and begin preparing for the next spring.

12. Squirrel Corn

The Squirrel Corn wildflower is very aesthetically similar to Dutchman’s Breeches. This lookalike plant shares so many similarities because they are closely related. 

While the leaves of these two plants are nearly identical, the flowers have some subtle differences. The lobes of the petals are more rounded than on the Breeches, and there is a yellow underground bulblet that helps to inspire the name.

13. Coltsfoot

Coltsfoot is a wildflower that is often found along the roadsides and forest edges in Vermont. It is one of the first wildflowers to bloom in the spring. This flower is native to Europe and Asia but was introduced to North America by early settlers.

The dandelion-like flower is actually made up of dozens of tiny flowers that attract many types of insects and bugs.  

14. Bloodroot

Despite the stunningly pure white petals of this wildflower, the name Bloodroot is quite accurate. If the roots of this beautiful flower are broken, a red sap is released which looks similar to blood.

The broad, veiny leaves wrap around the buds before they bloom to protect them from the last frosts of the season.  

15. Shadbush

This wildflower is technically a shrub but the flowers are so beautiful we couldn’t exclude it. This is a plant that is known by many names including Juneberry, Shadblow, and Serviceberry.

There are a total of eight species of Shadbush that are native to Vermont.  You can find them growing in all kinds of habitats, including mountaintops, woodland, and roadsides.

16. Golden Alexanders

These small but beautiful Golden Alexanders wildflowers are also known as little yellow umbrellas. These wildflowers bloom a little later into the spring season, popping up around May time. 

These stunning yellow flowers are a native species in Vermont and stand at only a foot tall when they are fully grown. They are a member of the parsley family which gives them their distinctive flower shape.  

17. Skunk Cabbage

This Vermont wildflower has perhaps the most intriguing name on this list. Its shape is pretty interesting too.

Skunk cabbage can be found in wetlands and moist hill slopes. When the large outer leaves become bruised, they emit an odor that is similar to that of a skunk.

Only the blooming flower can be seen clearly above the mud. The vibrant color provides a stunning contrast to the dark ground. 

Summer Vermont Wildflowers

As the weather continues to warm up, the spring wildflowers have to make room for the summer wildflowers that bloom later in the year. Below are some of the most beautiful and interesting summer wildflowers that you can find in Vermont. 

18. Tall Meadow Rue 

Similar to the Early Meadow Rue that we looked at above, the Tall Meadow Rue is a native wildflower to North America.

It is from the same family as the Early Meadow Rue but it blooms later in the year and grows a little bit taller. The feathery white flowers of this plant can be found in Vermont wetlands between late June and August. 

19. Great Angelica

Great Angelica wildflowers are often referred to as fireworks thanks to the bursts of flowers at the end of their stems. These wildflowers can be spotted from late June or early July and last throughout the summer.

This is another flower that is in the parsley family which explains the pattern of the flowers and the length of the stem.  These flowers are noticeable from a distance.

20. Cow Parsnip

Another member of the parsley family is Cow Parsnip. This is a very invasive species of wildflower that is unmissable even from a distance.

This is the tallest member of the parsley family and can grow up to 10 feet tall.  The flower clusters have a distinctive flat top. 

21. Canada Lily

This wildflower is one of only two species of lily that are native to Vermont. The Canada Lily is the tallest of all garden lilies, reaching up to 8 feet tall.

You can find this beautiful, bell-shaped flower in open fields and woodland. You are most likely to sport this wildflower in floodplains that regularly flood for part of the year. 

22. Common Milkweed

The common Milkweed wildflower is a fascinating plant with delicate flowers. The clusters of flowers form fluffy-looking balls from a distance.

The flowerheads have a very unique shape that is designed to attract pollinators.  Monarch butterflies are often found laying their eggs on these plants.

23. Spreading Dogbane

The wildflower known as Spreading Dogbane gets its name from the fact that it is a bane to dogs that try to eat it. This is an incredibly poisonous plant to anything that consumes it.

The flowers on Spreading Dogbane are very similar to the flowers on Milkweed plants. They are small and delicate.

24. Evening Primrose

Another native wildflower is Evening Primrose. This is a flower that manages to make a home in the strangest of places.

You are likely to see this plant along the roadsides throughout Vermont. You will also see this plant blooming along shores and in open spaces. 

25. Staghorn Sumac

An impressive native wildflower plant is Staghorn Sumac. This plant has a tendency to spread out and cover a lot of ground.

The most interesting thing about this plant is that each group of flowers that you see is actually a single plant. The plants are connected by underground stems. 

26. Labrador Tea

This is another plant that has a really fun and interesting name. The Labrador Tea plant is a wildflower that features tiny white flowers at the top of the stem.

As the name suggests, this plant is native to North America. You are most likely to find this plant growing in bogs and marshlands. The leaves of this wildflower can be used to make a fragrant tea.  

27. Small Cranberry

This wildflower has a little bit of confusion surrounding its name. It is commonly known as Small Cranberry, but there is some discussion about whether it is or used to be Crane Berry.

The name Crane Berry comes from the appearance of the plant which looks similar to a crane’s bill at the stamens.  

28. Mountain Cranberry

A similar plant to the Small Cranberry is the Mountain Cranberry. This plant is identified by its tiny, dainty bell-shaped flowers that are pink and white.

This is an actual cranberry plant that is also known as loganberry in Europe. The flowers grow in groups of 2 to 4 on a stem.  Each flower has five rounded petals.

29. Alpine Bilberry

If you are new to identifying wildflowers, you would be forgiven for confusing the Mountain Cranberry and the Alpine Bilberry or even for thinking that they are the same thing.

This is another wildflower that is known by many different names but Alpine Bilberry is the most common. The berries produced by this plant are edible and have a sweet taste.

30. Hare’s Tail CottonGrass

Another wildflower with an interesting name is Hare’s Tail CottonGrass. This plant has been named after what it looks like. If you are looking for wildflowers in Vermont, this is one that you won’t be able to miss.

At the end of the thin stalk is a fluffy puff that looks like hair. During pollen season you can see the seeds blowing on the breeze. 

31. Wild Cardinal

It isn’t hard to see where this wildflower gets its name from. The stunningly vibrant red colors of the petals on this flower are reminiscent of the stunning cardinal bird.

However, that isn’t the bird that this flower attracts. Rather, it is hummingbirds that enjoy the nectar of this Vermont wildflower. 

32. Spotted Coral Root

This is a wildflower that is incredibly intricate and beautiful. The Spotted CoralRoot flower blooms in the early summer and can be found in woodlands and forests.

The name comes from the elegant purple/red spots on the petals. This plant cannot photosynthesize. Instead, it obtains nutrients from decaying organic matter.

33. Trumpet Honeysuckle

Trumpet Honeysuckle is a wildflower that climbs which makes a nice departure from the flowers that cover the floor of the forest areas.

The flowers grow in clusters at the end of the stem and are shaped like a trumpet. They bloom from mid-spring to summer and produce berries in late summer and early fall which birds and pollinators enjoy.

34. Scarlet Bee Balm

Another stunning red wildflower is the Scarlet Bee Balm. This is another flower that blooms from late spring to fall. You will find this wildflower in forests and woodland.

They can also be found along stream banks. The most surprising thing about this wildflower is the minty odor that it exudes. 

35. Birds Foot Trefoil

If you are looking for a wildflower that exudes summer vibes, Birds Foot Trefoil is the flower you want to find. This flower blooms between late spring and early summer.

It is a flower that is capable of growing pretty much anywhere, however, they are most commonly found in meadows or open fields. It is actually considered to be an invasive species.

36. St. John’s Wort

This is a flower that you may have heard of if you have ever taken a herbal remedy. St. John’s Wort blooms throughout the summer and is most commonly found in pastures, open fields, and sandy soil.  This wildflower also has an incredible magic trick up its sleeve.

If you want to confirm that you are looking at St. John’s Wort, simply squash it in your hands. If it turns purple, it is St. John’s Wort. 

37. Sneezeweed

Sneezeweed has one of the best names of all the wildflowers in Vermont. You will be able to find this beautiful wildflower if you are visiting Vermont in the later summertime.

This vibrant wildflower brightens up marshlands, ponds, and streams with its sunset colors. Despite its name, Sneezeweed pollen doesn’t actually cause allergic reactions. 

38. Black-Eyed Susan

The Black-Eyed Susan is a wildflower that is hard to miss when you are on a hike. The bright yellow petals surround the black and purple center for a remarkable contrast. These beautiful flowers are most commonly found along roadsides in Vermont.

39. Fleabane

Fleabane might look incredibly familiar because it is part of the daisy family. These delicate wildflowers are incredibly beautiful.

The petals are thin with a slight taper at the end. You will find these wildflowers in pastures and along roadsides.  However, they are also popular in gardens.

40. Indian Hemp

Indian Hemp is most commonly found in woodland with dry, rocky soil and meadows. In Vermont, this wildflower is often considered to be an invasive weed species.

This is because it can reduce the yield of crops on farms. It is adept at attracting pollinators, however, it is toxic for humans and pets.  The sap can also cause blisters. 

Final Thoughts

There are so many beautiful wildflowers that can be found in Vermont. Many of the species mentioned in this article are native to the state or North America. Wildflowers that aren’t native but can be found in Vermont were generally introduced by early settlers from Europe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Is The Best Place To Find Wildflowers In Vermont?

Vermont is known for its incredible scenery and foliage. Wildflowers can be found all over the state, including in cracks in parking lots in some cases.

However, if you want to maximize your chances of seeing multiple types of wildflowers on your trip, there are places you can visit. 

The majority of spring and summer wildflowers in Vermont can be found in woodlands or forests.  Heading to places with plenty of trees can help to boost your chances of seeing multiple species of wildflowers in a smaller area. 

Diane Peirce
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