Orchids have long symbolized beauty, luxury, and strength. In the ancient Greek world, these flowers also represented virility and were even associated with the sex of a baby.

While orchids might still have important symbolic meanings in today’s world, they are also stunning.
There are so many kinds of orchids around the world – each with unique shapes and colors to fall in love with. From the beautiful Medusa orchid to the ghost orchid, you will never get bored looking at these flowers.
So, if you want to find out about 23 beautiful orchid flowers, look at this list!
1. Medusa Orchid (Bulbophyllum Medusae)
As the name suggests, the medusa orchid has what looks like hundreds of tiny little tendrils coming from the main body of the flower to resemble you guessed it – Medusa!
Colors can vary from a creamy yellow to brilliant white, but no matter the color, these flowers are impossible to ignore, and larger than they look!
2. Crested Snow Orchid (Coelogyne Cristata)
Hailing from India and the Himalayas, the crested snow orchid is a stunning white evergreen epiphytic orchid. They can grow to be surprisingly large, with white petals and a bright yellow center.
They had broad, flaring lips, and one plant can produce hundreds of blossoms – it is not a sight you want to miss!
3. Tiger-Stripe Orchid (Cymbidium Iridioides)
As the name might suggest, this orchid is well-known for its beautiful tiger stripe-like pattern. The base color is a muted greenish-yellow, with brown stripes running down the length of the petals.
It has a frilly margin with red spots in an irregular pattern, making it the perfect centerpiece.
4. Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula Simia)
Once you see it, you will never be able to look at the beautiful (but strange) monkey face orchid again. These orchids are found in Peru and Ecuador at altitudes of 3,000 feet or more.
They are speckled red, pink, and yellow, with a distinct primate-like face in the center.
5. Shelob Tolkien Orchid (Oncidium Miltassia)
As a member of the spider orchid family, it’s not hard to guess where this name comes from!
These unique orchids have a beautiful spider-like appearance, but colors can vary greatly from one plant to another, with magenta, purples, browns, and greens being popular.
6. Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)
The moth orchid is one of the most popular orchid types, and it’s easy to see why. The flower looks like a moth in flight, and they are native to the Philippines and Southeast Asia. Coloring can vary, with pink and white combinations being common.
7. Naked Man Orchid (Orchis Italica)
You don’t need to be too creative to imagine where this bizarre but beautiful orchid gets its name. It does, in fact, resemble a naked man, and is usually white and purple.
The plant is also known as the hanging man orchid, and colors can vary from lighter purples to deep and rich purple pinks.
8. Bee Orchid (Ophrys Apifera)
As you can guess, the bee orchid looks surprisingly like a bee, but without the nasty sting. This orchid has green and brown coloring, with light pink petals underneath to make it look like a bee sitting on a flower.
You might spot one of these if you are in North Africa or the Middle East.
9. Foul Giant Orchid (Bulbophyllum Grandiflorum)
These orchids have a foul odor, but they are beautiful nonetheless. The flowers have tan or cream sepals with purple-red spots that taper forward as a cover. You might be lucky enough to spot one if you ever visit the rainforests of New Guinea.
10. Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major)
The flying duck orchid resembles a duck you would see in cartoons more than a real duck, or the infamous Roadrunner if he could fly.
These odd orchids are found in Australia and have dark reddish brown petals that look like two wings, a head and beak, and a tail of sorts.
Unfortunately, while they are beautiful when you see them, they do not stand out against the harsh Australian bush, so you need to really look out if you want to find one!
11. Spotted Bull Orchid (Stanhopea Tigrina)
These beautiful yellowish flowers with dark purple-brown marks resemble a tiger’s marks, yet it has been given the name spotted bull orchid! You can find these beautiful flowers in Mexico, where you might stumble across their delightfully sweet fragrance.
12. Tiger Face In Moon Orchid (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)
Native to Indonesia, the Moon Orchid is beautiful already, and this one has the face of a tiger in it! The pink stripes found in the inner part of the flower sit in contrast to the bright white and surrounding yellow, making this an unmissable sight.
13. Angel Orchid (Zygopetalum Rhein)
The angel orchid has five leaf-shaped petals and one that resembles a dress or robe to create an angelic appearance. These flowers are native to the Indian grasslands and grow in clusters where the greens and purples can be more easily seen.
14. Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax Lindenii)
Strangely, this is a leafless orchid with frog-shaped flowers at the top. Colors are greenish-white, and the shape of the flowers resembles a ghost floating through the air.
While these flowers are fascinating, they are not easy to find, so don’t get your hopes up!
15. Holy Ghost Orchid Or Dove Orchid (Peristeria Elata)
As the national flower of Panama, the holy ghost or dove orchid is a small and delicate flower that is easy to fall in love with.
The petals create a small dove-like design in the middle of the white flower, which has added to its reason for being endangered in the country.
16. White Egret Orchid (Pecteilis Radiata)
As the name suggests, the white egret orchid looks just like a white egret in flight and is a sight to behold.
This is one of the most unique orchids to collectors, and it is widely known and favored among professionals all over the world despite hailing from Russia, Korea, Japan, and China.
17. Moon Orchid Or Virgin Mary Orchid (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)
Found in Eastern Taiwan, the Virgin Mary orchid is delicate and stunning. When you look inside the white petal structure in the center, it is easy to see where the plant got its name as the Catholic Madonna is sitting right inside with her hands together.
18. Fly Orchid (Ophrys Insectifera)
At a glance, it would be easy to mistake the fly orchid for a real fly or another insect sitting on the plant! These orchids are found throughout Europe and are popular for being dried out and used in different recipes.
With its dark reddish-brown coloring and distinct shape, this is a very recognizable orchid.
19. Hammer Orchid (Drakaea Glyptodon)
Native to Western Australia, the hammer orchid is a bizarre beauty that is so small, it’s easy to miss. Also known as the king-in-his-carriage, this orchid is able to lure female wasps to it by secreting a pheromone in order to help with pollination.
It’s difficult to see where the flower starts and the stem ends, so look closely!
20. Cockleshell Orchid (Prosthechea Cochleata)
This tiny orchid resembles an adorable cockleshell, but may also look like a person wearing a hat if you look at it from the right angle. These plants are native to Central America and are known for their pale green-yellow petals with dark purple tops.
21. Blue Vanda Orchid (Vanda Coerulea)
Discovered in 1847, the blue vanda orchid has a striking blue-purple and white appearance in the pattern of checks. While these flowers are stunning, the juices from them are also used to produce eye drops for glaucoma treatment and also cataracts.
These flowers may also be useful for anti-aging treatment, so they are much more than just a pretty face!
22. Black Fiddle Orchid (Coelogyne Pandurata)
The black fiddle orchid is one of the few green flowers that still manages to stand out from the crowd. These flowers have beautiful green sepals with a frilly black and green margin. The shape of the margin resembles a fiddle, hence the adorable name.
23. Queen Victoria Blue Orchid (Dendrobium Victoriae-Reginae)
Found in the Philippines, this orchid was named after Queen Victoria since it was discovered near the end of her long reign. These flowers have a beautiful blue-purple coloring with white petal tips and white that fades out near the center of the flower.
Final Thoughts
How many of these orchids have you seen where you live? Do you have any of them as houseplants on the window sill? If you don’t, you should certainly consider it!
These beauties can light up a room and bring new life to any space, provided they are well-cared for. Which orchid is your favorite? Let us know below, and why not get one if you can afford it? You won’t regret it.
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