Pink flowers aren’t unusual, but there’s far more out there than the pink tulips you buy for your ma on Mother’s Day and the pink roses you present to your boo before a hot date.

In fact, we’re willing to bet you probably haven’t even seen some of the blush blooms about.
Not to worry though! We’ve curated this list of all the weird and wonderful pink flowers of the world. We’ll also throw in some underrated classics, just in case those have slipped under your radar too.
1. Hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis)
Pink hibiscus is totemic of the natural beauty abounding across the Pacific Rim. Their large, tracing-paper-thin petals are as delicate as can be, and their extended pollen tubes seem to have a life of their own.
Distinctly tropical, there’s something alien about these flowers, something that seems almost otherworldly and wholly intriguing, yet there are over 30 species and subspecies of hibiscus growing right here in the USA.
As pretty as these flowers are, they have far more to offer than mere beauty. Hibiscus can be used to treat liver problems and high blood pressure among numerous other things.
2. Hollyhock (Alcea Rosea)
With delicate, ballerina-pink petals and a deep purple disk surrounding its center, the hollyhock flower is amazing enough on its own, but when you consider the fact it’s growing on a thick stem that can reach 8 feet tall, this plant is even more intriguing.
The delicacy of the blooms seems to stand in complete contrast to the robust and enormous plant from which they grow.
Hollyhock is a fantastic option for embellishing the facade of your home. It works incredibly well as a trellis plant, or, alternatively, if you’re craving a touch more privacy in your yard, you can switch out the trellis for a fence line so the large blooms block prying eyes.
That said, they only bloom in summer, so your floral blockade will be down for the rest of the year.
3. Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera)
A symbol of enlightenment and beauty through strife, the lotus plant is capable of thriving in challenging conditions and will bloom above the murkiest of waters.
This aquatic perennial can be spotted blooming in ponds across the nation and beyond when summer rolls around and can be distinguished from water lilies by its papery petals and leaves.
4. Meadowsweet (Filipendula Rubra)
Bringing a strong candyfloss vibe to the table, we have the wonderful meadowsweet. It blooms in pink and white (sometimes both) atop long, thin stems that can reach 7 feet tall in certain instances.
They’re said to represent courtship and young love but have plenty of use beyond the purely symbolic. Traditionally, this plant has been used as a medicine for treating digestive issues and even to alleviate cold symptoms.
Being that their stems are so long, they have a large visual impact on a space without actually taking up much room, so people often also use these dreamy and delicate flowers as decorations during events.
5. Rocktrumpet (Mandevilla)
Rocktrumpet is one heck of a name, but then again, this is one heck of a plant. When it blooms, multiple discrete flowers grow in close proximity, each facing outward.
The petals are mostly very faint pink, but their hue intensifies towards the extremities, resulting in a hot pink fringe.
A tropical flower, they are healthiest in warm weather year-round, but as long as you’re able to provide shelter, they can be successfully grown in colder climates.
They prefer well-drained soil, full sun, and bloom in summer to early fall.
6. Snapdragon (Antirrhinum Majus)
Snapdragon is an extremely unique plant with blooms that loosely resemble the open mouth of a dragon. In fact, if you squeeze the throat of one of these flowers, the jaw-like petals snap open (hence the name).
Similar to foxgloves, these flowers grow en masse around the top of a long thick stem. The lower buds bloom first, then, steadily, the flowering proceeds towards the tip of the stem. Unlike foxglove, however, snapdragon is non-toxic.
Interestingly, these flowers open up to the world between fall and spring, preferring a slightly cooler temperature than most other floriferous plants.
7. Spider Lily (Lycoris)
The most common spider lilies are red, but pink varieties do exist, and they’re nothing short of breathtaking. The thin petals carry out elegant cursive-like swirls, while spindly stamen jut out like the tongues of hummingbirds.
They grow on the very top of long stems with no foliage whatsoever, making this already striking flow seem all the more strange and intriguing.
Said to represent the afterlife, the symbolic side of these toxic flowers could get a little too close to reality if animals were to consume them, so if you plan on growing them, be sure to do so in a safe location.
8. Stargazer (Lilium Orientalis ‘Stargazer’)
With leopard-like spots and a white fringe, the pink curling petals of the Stargazer lily are out of this world!
The slight frill of the petal peripheries form one of the most pleasing lines in nature, and the extended, thin stamen and powerfully sweet scent only add to the intrigue.
While it’s one of the most alluring lily varieties, cats and small children will do well to keep their distance, as – much like many other members of the lily family – they’re quite toxic.
Despite their night sky-themed name, they prefer at least partial sun and bloom in summer exclusively.
9. Sweet Pea (Lathyrus Odoratus)
The loose frills of the sweet pea have endeared for centuries. These remarkably pretty flowers are renowned for their subtle sweet scent, and, surprisingly, they have very little to do with the peas on our dinner plates.
In fact, the seeds of the sweet pea plant are quite poisonous and should never be eaten — Stick to giving its blooms a big old sniff!
They thrive in anything between full and partial sun so long as they’re planted in well-drained soil, and they can survive in just about any hardiness zone.
10. Zinnia (Zinnia Elegans)
Even the word zinnia is elegant, graceful, and unique, so it should come as no surprise that the flower bearing this name is all three of these things, and the pink variety is one of the most striking of all.
Featuring more petals than you could count, in full bloom, the double flower variant forms a jubilant floral explosion, and as each plant produces multiple flowers, they really do raise the joy factor of a space tenfold.
And as if the mere sight of these exquisite flowers wasn’t good enough, they symbolize long-lasting friendship — Sooo wholesome!
Native to Mexico and South America, they’re incredibly drought resistant and prefer a sandy, loamy soil.
11. Middlemist Red (Middlemist Camellia)
There’s a very good reason why you may never have seen this rosy pink flower before… There are only two left in the world.
They used to be incredibly abundant in their native China, and no one is exactly sure why they’ve vanished from the wild, but it’s thought that over-cultivation may have played a part in its disappearing act.
Thankfully, though, we have the two left in “captivity” to appreciate. One surviving specimen resides in a New Zealand botanical garden, while the other is cozying up in an English greenhouse.
12. Azalea (Rhododendron)
Pink azalea flowers aren’t quite as obscure as most of the other plants on this list, but they’re not exactly ubiquitous either. With large, multi-flower blooms and a raspberries-and-cream color profile, they’re an incredibly pleasant sight.
It’s small wonder why they’ve come to symbolize traditional femininity, as they’re as pretty and elegant as can be.
They grow particularly well in partial sun and well-drained soil. You’ll catch them blooming from the earliest days of spring all the way through summer.
13. Butterfly Bush Pink Delight (Buddleja Davidii ‘Pink Delight’)
Butterfly Bush Pink Delight is a blush variety of the better-known summer lilac. If you’ve ever been around this plant in the warmer months, you’ll know that it more than earns its name.
Butterflies flock to the small, clustered blooms in their hundreds, hungry for the plentiful nectar on offer. So, if you’re interested in transforming your yard into a sanctuary for pollinators, planting some Butterfly Bush Pink Delight should be top of your to-do list.
14. Calla Lily (Zantedeschia Aethiopica)
Now, we know you’ve probably seen a million lilies before, but get this… the calla lily isn’t actually a lily — Duh, duh, duhhhh! Shocking, we know.
In reality, the “calla” half of its name is the clue to its true lineage. Calla is a genus native to Africa and comprises 28 different species.
They typically reach heights of between 1 and 3 feet, and the blooms form a perfect coiling flute.
Final Thoughts
And thus ends our pink flower deep dive. Did you run into any you’ve never seen before, or perhaps learned a few new things about your favorite blush blooms? We certainly hope so.
While some of these amazing plants are pretty rare or tricky to care for, with the exception of the nearly-extinct Middlemist Red, with a bit of know-how and a lot of TLC, you’ll be able to cultivate them yourself!
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