Plants that grow on rocks always appear to be like a miracle of life. They often grow in remote areas in extremely hot and dry conditions.

We have 15 amazing flowers that grow in rocks you need in your life right now to decorate your home and enjoy their calm presence.
These clever plants have shallow roots which latch onto rocks and stones. They grow in crevices and cracks to keep themselves cool and minimize water loss.
Discover the great variety of rock-growing plants and how they survive in the wild and your garden.
1. Thyme
One of the most commonly known rock-climbing plants on our list is thyme. There is a wide range of different thyme varieties and some of them grow in rock crevices.
Their small, dark leaves with a light purple flowering makes thyme not just a fantastic plant to look at but it also creates great ground cover.
This is ideal for rock gardens that have full sun and well-drained soil. You can even grow fresh thyme and use it in the kitchen as a delicious herb.
2. Aeonium
Aeonium plants are perennial succulents that originally come from Africa and the Canary Islands. They enjoy full to partial zone and well-drained, wet soils.
Aeoniums grow small center rosettes that can be white, red, yellow or green. They thrive in crevices and cracks of any type of stones and boulders, including volcanic rock.
Growing naturally in tough conditions near volcanoes, they are extremely easy to plant out in your garden. This being said, aeonium also make a wonderful houseplant.
3. Dudleya
Succulents are classic rock-growing plants because they have leathery leaves and strong roots that find their way into any gap.
Dudleya are hardy succulents that enjoy partial sun exposure. They are perfect for rocky spaces in your yard.
Originally from Mexico and the Western United States, dudleya succulent plants usually have thick leaves with a waxy coating. This protects them from the hot sun and overheating.
Dudleyas also produce small flowers that thrive in plant zones five to ten. With over forty species of dudleya, there is plenty to choose from to make your own rock garden.
4. Sedum
Sedum plants are small succulents that are often used as ornamental plants, thanks to their pretty yellow flowers.
There are perennial, biennial and annual variants of sedum plants which thrive in full to partial sunlight.
Originally from the Americas and Asia, sedum is also known as stonecrop because it typically grows fleshy leaves in rocky spaces.
The beautiful star-shaped flowers aren’t just a delight for the garden but they also attract butterflies and other pollinating insects.
With a layer of small and large stones and well-drained soil, sedums can survive even extreme weather conditions.
5. Aloinopsis
Aloinopsis succulents are originally from Southern Africa but they can grow in hardy zones from six to nine in the USA.
These small succulents with thick, fleshy leaves need a lot of direct sunlight, especially during the winter.
They are most active in the winter months and this is also the time when they grow their bright, yellow flowers.
Aloinopsis plants are dormant in the summer months which means that it is important not to water them too much at this time of year.
6. Lithops
When you see lithops for the first time, then it can be easy to mistake these succulent plants for a rock. In fact, they are also often referred to as living rocks.
Originally from South Africa, lithop plants are ideal for rock garden in warm zones between ten and eleven.
While they look like stones, lithops are living and growing plants with over forty species. You can often find them as ornamental plants.
Lithops do well in high temperatures and sandy soil where their large roots and underground body can store plenty of water.
7. Kalanchoe
While kalanchoes are popular houseplants, you can also grow them outdoors in your large rock garden. Native to Madagascar, they thrive in partial to full sunlight and warm temperatures.
These succulents have thick leaves that protect them from the fierce sunlight. This being said, they also grow beautiful orange, red and white flowers.
Pet owners have to be careful with kalanchoe because it is poisonous.
8. Glottiphyllum
Also known as tongue leaf plant, you can immediately see why glottiphyllum has this peculiar name. These succulents have thick, elongated leaves that resemble small tongues.
These plants originally come from Arabia and Africa but you can also grow them in US hardiness zones 9, 10 and 11.
From a distance, it can be easy to mistake glottiphyllum plants for dandelions because they also grow vibrant, yellow flowers.
These pretty rock plants don’t need a lot of water but gardeners need to consistently water them throughout the growing season.
9. Jovibarba
Unlike warm rock succulents, jovibarba is a succulent plant that is adapted to rocky growing conditions in cool climates, such as mountains.
In fact, it originally comes from the Carpathians and the Alps where it grows in abundance in crevices and outcrops of stones.
While jovibarba thrives in cooler weather conditions, it needs full sunlight to grow and flower. This plant can take up to three years to grow its first flowers.
The biggest advantage of jovibarba for rock gardeners is that these succulents also grow in poor soil conditions and drought.
Plus, they can even survive extremely cold temperatures of minus degrees Fahrenheit.
10. Portulacaria
Also known as elephant bush, portulacaria are succulents but they are often used as little bonsai trees in indoor rock gardens.
With twenty different species originally from South Africa, these plants grow small stems with thick, fleshy leaves.
You can plant this resilient plant in rocky areas outdoors in warmer climates or indoors in your small bonsai rock garden.
11. Echeveria
Echeveria succulents commonly grow in clusters. While they prefer full sun, they can also adapt to different light conditions. This makes them perfect for a variety of rock gardens.
These perennial rock plants originally come from South and Central America where they grow in rocky outcrops and crevices.
Echeveria plants are easy to maintain and they add plenty of color to your rocky garden patches. Just keep in mind that echeverias need well-draining soil to thrive.
12. Gentian
If you are looking to add a bit of color to your rock garden or stones around your backyard, then gentian is a fantastic choice.
The vibrant blue color of the trumpet-shaped flowers distracts from any gray and full stones. You can plant gentian in full sunlight and neutral soil.
Gentian isn’t always easy to grow but the colorful flower display among the rocks is well worth the additional effort.
13. Hylotelephium
Native to Asia and Europe, hylotelephium is a rock flower that thrives in cooler climates in many parts of the world.
This perennial flower enjoys full sunshine but grows well in hardiness zones three to nine. The more sunshine your hylotelephium plants can get, the more they will flower.
Also known as autumn joy, these succulent plants can grow a little taller than many other rock plants on our list.
These plants are drought resistant and they don’t require a lot of water, which makes it easy to care for them.
Although hylotelephium succulents can handle some frost, they will die off when temperatures persistently plummet below freezing.
14. Haworthia
Haworthia is originally from Africa, so it needs full to partial sunshine to grow well. This also means that it doesn’t like cold temperatures.
Growing in rocky outcrops and small stone rock gardens these succulents produce small white flowers that look attractive.
With more than over 100 species of haworthia, there are plenty of individual plants to choose from to decorate your stone garden.
15. Graptopetalum
Graptopetalum succulents have a beautiful, classic flower shape that makes them look like pretty stone flowers.
Thanks to their subtle color, they almost blend in with their grayish background. Also known as ghost plant, these succulents are native to Central and North America.
With small flowers and large leaves, they are popular with gardeners around the world. They also need very little water which makes caring for these plants especially easy.
Plus, ghost plants can live for many years when you provide the right conditions for them.
16. Candytuft
If you are looking for some colorful ground cover for your rock garden, then candytuft is a fantastic choice. These low-growing plants thrive in clusters.
With their dark, evergreen leaves and bright, white flowers, they make a wonderful display among large and small stones.
These plants are popular with butterflies, hoverflies, bees and other pollinating insects during the summer.
This being said, candytuft requires full sunshine and well-drained soil throughout the year.
Final Thoughts
Flowers that grow in rocks typically thrive in harsh conditions that are either extremely cold or very hot.
The majority of these plants are part of the succulent family because they have thick, fleshy leaves that store plenty of water and protect the plant from UV light.
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