When it comes to wildflowers, Texas is one of the regions that has some of the most beautiful varieties around.
They’re truly a marvel to look at, and come in such a wide range of different shapes and sizes, and colors too!
Most of them also boast an intriguing backstory, some of which we’ll be taking a closer look at today.
With so many different wildflowers spanning the Texas region, however, it can be incredibly difficult to try and identify them all. That’s where we come in.
We’ve compiled this handy guide that you can refer back to whenever you find a new wildflower that you’d like to identify.
Bear in mind that some of the flowers on this list are considered to be invasive, and could potentially take over your garden if removed and planted there. Therefore, we’d recommend doing some research beforehand.
To find out more, simply keep reading below, as we take a closer look.
1. Chicory
This delicate little purple flower can be found growing ubiquitously all over Texas, and chances are that you’ve come across it several times during your travels.
If you want to find this flower easily, then we’d recommend looking at dry pastures, which is the kind of environment where this wildflower tends to thrive.
The most interesting fact about this flower is that it’s actually safe to eat. That’s right, although it may not taste the best, this flower is actually safe for human consumption.
Many people will actually pluck off the leaves and put them in a salad with some olive oil. They’re full of vitamins and minerals, and are actually very good for you. They do, however, have a slightly bitter taste.
2. Indian Paintbrush
This wildflower is easily recognizable, as it’s one of the most visually striking on our list, presenting a rich and bold reddish color that’s tinged with yellow.
They do come in a few other colors too, such as white and purple, but these are far more rare than the reddish variety.
These flowers are actually considered to be quite precious to Native Americans. This is because of a story they have, where a young boy who was painting a picture found that he didn’t have any red paint in order to complete it.
The sun God shone down on him, and gave him this flower that could act as an ink for his painting. Hence, why it’s called an ‘Indian Paintbrush’ today.
3. Blue Vervain
This is an incredibly hardy wildflower, and boasts a super rich and vibrant purple hue, which reminds us a lot of lavender.
This wildflower can be found in areas that are resistant to drought, as they tend to be incredibly hardy, and can survive some difficult weather conditions.
This wildflower is fantastic for its surrounding environment, and often acts as a bee attractor. They can often be found gathering pollen from this flower, and it’s also usually surrounded by butterflies and moths too.
4. Purple Coneflower
If you’ve seen this gorgeous flower before on your travels, chances are you’ve felt tempted to slow down and take a look. It’s incredibly beautiful to look at, and has an awesome vibrant hot pink color that’s super striking.
This one is called a coneflower because of the way that the thin petals droop down from the middle. It’s also got a very prominent center, which tends to have a very colorful, orange quality to it.
An interesting fact about this flower is that it used to be used regularly in ancient medicine. It’s said to be very good at treating common ailments such as colds and coughs.
5. Four Nerve Daisy
This flower is called a daisy because it essentially looks exactly like the regular variety, but with yellow leaves to match the center of the flower too.
These flowers flourish during the spring season and tend to die out as the end of summer approaches.
They’re actually a part of the sunflower family, but more like miniature versions. They were used commonly in ancient medicine to treat people who were experiencing problems with their vision, or just suffering from painful eyes in general.
6. Forget Me Not
This is a flower that almost everyone will have heard of before, but probably did not realize that it was actually native to Texas. Forget me nots are pretty little flowers that grow in bundles, packed closely to one another.
But why is it called a forget me not? Sadly, there is no romantic backstory to accompany the name, but rather, it’s called a forget me not because you’re not likely to forget its pungent scent.
It has a very unpleasant smell, and is renowned for being one of the worst smelling wildflowers in the whole of Texas.
They’re also apt at growing very quickly, so if you’ve found some of these in your garden, we’d recommend unearthing them, and replanting them elsewhere, otherwise you might have a dozen foul smelling forget me not on your hands.
7. Antelope Horns
We think that these are some of the most unusual looking flowers on our list. Antelope horns have been given their name because of the little dense bulbs that stick out of the center of the flowers.
They grow in large clusters, and boast thick but small flowers.
An interesting thing about these flowers is that they’re actually considered to be a necessary food source for caterpillars, and help them to fully undergo their growth cycle.
After the caterpillars have ingested the food from the antelope horns, they will then contain a certain chemical in their system that helps to protect them from predators, by releasing a toxin.
So, the caterpillars actually need this flower in order to thrive and survive.
8. Common Burdock
This wildflower actually looks quite similar to a thistle, but it contains a green (Also check out Types Of Green Wildflowers) outer layer, with a portion of purple sprouting out just at the middle.
This one can be found everywhere around Texas, and can often be seen in open fields, where they grow in bundles.
These flowers are incredibly sticky to touch, so if you’ve ever put your hand on a common burdock (This wildflower is also present in Montana. Find out more about it.) before, you’ll know just how sticky they can be. They essentially act as a glue that’s difficult to pick off of clothing.
We wouldn’t recommend touching these in general however, as they are known to cause some redness and itchiness. Some people are also allergic to this particular type of flower, so be careful.
9. Creeping Charlie
Although this plant, called Creeping Charlie, looks incredibly small and delicate, it’s actually incredibly hard to get rid of. If you’ve ever tried removing this plant from your garden using just your hand, well you’ll know that it’s pretty much impossible.
Once it takes root, it likes to stay firmly in the same place.
It can be seen most commonly in the spring and summer months, when it grows throughout Texas. If you’re native to Texas, then you probably regard it as a weed, which many people in the country do.
10. Purple Loosestrife
We think that this is honestly one of the most beautiful flowers on our entire list, and has an incredibly vibrant purple color that’s super visually striking. It grows on top of incredibly tall stems, which spurt out in bunches.
They typically like areas that are super sunny, and so these flowers tend to thrive best during the summer months.
If you want to witness these flowers in real life, then we’d recommend that you look in incredibly damp places, such as marshes, where they tend to grow the most. They tend to like super wet conditions, such as lakes and rivers.
Don’t be fooled by this beautiful plant’s appearance however, as they can become quite the pest if given the chance.
If there are other flowers that are growing in close proximity, then you’ll notice that they tend to shove these out of the way, and take over whatever area they’re growing in.
We therefore wouldn’t recommend planting these flowers in your own garden, as they can become quite difficult to contain.
11. Swamp Milkweed
If you’re looking for a flower that’s completely native to Texas, then please allow us to introduce you to the swamp milkweed, which is a beautiful pastel pink color.
You will find these growing next to lakes most typically, because they enjoy very wet conditions in order to thrive. Just like Antelope Horns, they’re a very important food source for creatures such as butterflies, which like to feed on them.
They’re also incredibly fragrant to smell, so if you get the chance, then make sure you lean down to smell them.
Some of these flowers will be pinker than others, and they can vary from being pastel to hot pink.
12. Winecup
This flower is called a winecup because of its highly unusual shape, which does resemble that of a wine glass. They’re typically a warm pink in terms of color, and they have incredibly thin and delicate petals that are also very wide in terms of shape.
One of the most interesting things about these wildflowers is that the roots are actually edible. That’s right! If you dig them up, and cook them through boiling, they’ve actually been reported as tasting like potatoes.
Who knew that they could be so delicious!
13. Cedar Sage
These flowers are quite unusual to look at, and have a vibrant reddish color that makes them easily recognizable. They grow on very long stems, with flowers alternating on either side.
These flowers are very special because they’re incredibly good for wildlife. They’re filled with lots and lots of nectar that bees thrive on.
In addition to this, they’re also super tasty to eat! If you cook Cedar Sage, it has an incredibly sweet and earthy flavor, which makes it the perfect garnish for some summertime cooking. They can also be used to brighten up salad dishes.
14. Crown Vetch
This pretty flower is a combination of white and pinkish colors, and can be seen growing in large bundles. It’s incredibly adept at thriving in a variety of different weather conditions, but most often, enjoys hot sunny weather.
This flower is considered to be a pest, and we wouldn’t really recommend planting it in your own backyard, as it tends to overthrow other plants, and take up the entire space in question.
This is why, if you see it growing in the wild, there won’t be any other plant varieties nearby. If you do, however, decide to take this wildflower home, we’d recommend adequately spacing it out from the other flowers in your garden.
15. Texas Yellowstar
This is an incredibly prevalent flower in the Texas region, and is easily recognizable because of its bright, yellow petals. It’s called a star because it has seven petals that stem out from the center in a star-like shape.
It’s known to thrive in limestone soil, which is why it can be found so commonly throughout the Texas area. As you might have already guessed from its appearance, it’s also considered to be a part of the sunflower family.
It has very sturdy stems, and the leaves are just as pointed as the flower petals themselves.
16. St. John’s Wort
Many of you reading this article will have already heard about St. John’s wort, and the immense medicinal properties that this plant harbors. It blooms in summer, and grows in small yellow clusters.
It should never, however, be consumed in its raw form, as it’s not only toxic for horses, sheep, and cows, but human beings too. This flower should not be uprooted however, as it is incredibly good for creatures such as caterpillars and butterflies.
When it’s made in factories into teas and tablets, it’s known for being excellent at treating mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
17. Bluebonnet
This is a flower that most people have come across, purely because it’s so visually striking. It sprouts out of the ground in large blue cups that are incredibly rich in appearance.
It was named the state flower in Texas during the early portion of the 19th century. It’s not illegal to pick them, so if you want to take a few home, go ahead.
The reason why these were named the state flower of Texas is purely because they’re the flower that you’ll see most frequently in the region.
They grow more than any other flower during the spring and summer months, so if you’re native to the region, you’ve probably seen a lot of these around during your lifetime.
A fun fact is that a city within the region even has a festival to celebrate these beautiful flowers every springtime, where local people will gather and enjoy themselves.
18. Common Mullein
The Common Mullein, despite its name, is actually quite strange in terms of appearance. It grows in a bundle of flowers that are shaped a little bit like a cone. Some people have compared them to corn, and have said they have a very similar appearance.
They typically bloom during the summer, so if you see these any earlier in the year, they probably won’t have sprouted their little yellow flowers yet.
It has a super long stem, and if you touch it, you’ll be super surprised at how silky smooth it is. In ancient medicine, this was often used to treat a variety of different conditions.
Nowadays, it’s often used in extracts and oils, which are said to be adept at treating health issues such as arthritis.
19. Buttercups
Buttercups are a flower that we all know and recognize, and are an incredibly delicate yellow flower that grows on short, small stems. They’re a great source of pollen for a whole host of different creatures, and are great for the environment.
A fun fact that you might not know about this common species of flower is that it actually comes in a variety of different colors. Despite the most regular one being yellow, it also comes in purple, cream, and red.
In addition to this, although most people think that there’s only one type of buttercup in the world, it actually has over 500 different species.
So, the one that you’ve found lying around today is likely to be completely different from the one you saw previously. It tends to grow in meadows, and you’ll find them scattered all over grassy areas.
20. Indian Hemp
This plant, despite having an overall delicate species, is actually considered to be one of the biggest pests in the region. You can identify this plant by its white flowers, and the reddish stems that they grow upon.
When it grows, it’s incredibly aggressive and destroys all other plants in its wake. One of the reasons why it’s so frustrating for people who are native to the region is because it destroys corn crops.
In addition to this, it’s also considered to be highly toxic for dogs and livestock. But, don’t be tempted to pick this one up with your own hands, as it can leave your skin incredibly irritated, and filled with boils.
Make sure that you handle it with care, and are wearing appropriate gloves before trying to uproot this plant.
21. Catnip
Catnip is probably another flower that you’ve heard mentioned quite a few times. Most of you will know that it is a flower that’s highly appealing for cats, and can make them stir crazy.
But, we bet that you didn’t know that it has a wide variety of different medicinal properties too.
In ancient medicine, this plant was used to treat an array of different digestive issues, including diarrhea, stomach cramps, and gas. It was also given to young infants in order to help them sleep through the night.
Although it’s found ubiquitously in Texas, you can also find it in many other regions too. It’s actually native to Europe, where the plant was first discovered.
You can find this flower growing pretty much everywhere, on banks, and in grassy fields. It likes both wet and dry conditions. Bees are big fans of catnip, and will often gather their pollen from these flowers.
It’s a part of the mint family, believe it or not, and therefore acts as a good repellent for certain insects.
22. Oxeye Daisy
If you’ve ever come across a daisy that seems to be much larger than usual, chances are that it’s an oxeye daisy. These daisies have an incredibly attractive appearance, and have lots of little white petals that grow around a yellow center.
Despite being incredibly to look at, we wouldn’t recommend bringing these home to your garden. This is because they tend to be a bit of a pest, and they overtake a lot of other flowers that surround them.
23. Whorled Milkweed
This flower has lots of little ‘milk’ colored flowers that grow on thick and spindly stems. They’re incredibly fragrant, and if you’ve had the pleasure of walking past a field of these, you’ll be met with a very appealing scent.
They’re a great source of pollen for bees and for other species of insects, and they also act as a food source for birds.
If you’re a fan of this flower, then the good news is that you can take it home, without fear of it taking over other plants.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, there are countless species of different flowers that can be found in Texas. We hope that this handy guide helped you to identify a few.
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