If you’re a native of California, then you’ll already know that it’s home to some of the most beautiful wildflowers in existence. It has an incredibly balmy climate, and vast, expansive chunks of land, that make it the perfect place for wildflowers to grow.
There are a range of different wildflowers that you’ll find in the area, many of these can be found the world over, whereas others are native to California.
But, with so many different types of wildflowers growing in the region, it can be incredibly difficult to identify them.
Thankfully, that’s where we come in. We’ve compiled this handy identification guide, in the hopes that it will help you to more skillfully identify wildflowers in the California region.
This guide is something that you can refer back to for future reference should you need to. To find out more about some of the most common wildflowers in California, simply keep reading below, as we take a closer look.
1. California Poppy
Now, we couldn’t start off our list without mentioning the California Poppy. The California Poppy is iconic to the region, and was named the national flower of California in the early portion of the 19th century.
The stem grows quite large (up to 60 inches, in fact), and a large orange poppy with yellow ridges blooms on the top. They’re quite easily identifiable, purely because they boast such a dramatically warm color.
You might see this flower if you’re traveling around the California region during summertime, as this is when the flower likes to bloom. They do, however, close up as the winter months approach.
Another thing that these flowers are famous for is their use as a salad garnish. The petals of these flowers can be cooked and eaten, and are known for providing dishes with a rich earthy taste.
You’ll find them in large foothills, and areas of grassland, unmissable as they grow in large crowds.
2. Chicory
This vibrant flower called Chicory is found all over California, and is known for its delicate yet vibrant blueish petals. Its life cycle is perennial, and it blooms during the springtime, and lasts all throughout the summer months.
You’ll normally come across this flower in dry, open fields, as it doesn’t like moist or wet conditions. Chicory flowers only bloom once, for a few hours, when the weather is at its hottest point.
An interesting fact about these flowers is that they’re actually filled with vitamins and minerals. They’re incredibly good for you, and the petals are often boiled to use in food dishes.
Bear in mind that they are somewhat bitter tasting, so we’d recommend pairing them with something equally rich. The root is roasted sometimes, and used as an additional ingredient to ground coffee.
3. California Buckwheat
The next flower on our list is the California Buckwheat, which if you hadn’t guessed already, is native to the region. It grows as a large shrub, packed closely together, and sprouts lots of little dense, white flowers.
The colors of the petals can vary slightly, and can sometimes appear to be a pinkish color too.
These flowers would work really well as a hedgerow, if you were considering transporting them to your own garden, as they grow incredibly tall. They can reach a height of around 8 feet.
They’re also incredibly important for the environment, and act as a great source of nectar for honey bees. It’s also important to butterflies, in particular, as it fosters the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly.
4. Blue Vervain
This plant is easily recognizable in the California region because of its incredibly vibrant blue color. These little flowers grow on thin, sturdy stems, closely bunched together.
They’re incredibly drought resistant, and you’ll find these flowers growing most commonly in wet conditions, such as marshes, rivers, and lakes.
Caterpillars love to feed on this flower, and it also attracts a whole host of native honey bees too.
5. California Suncup
This is another flower that’s native to the region of California, and boasts vibrant yellow petals that form a cup-like shape which grant this flower its name. They tend to grow in coastal regions of California, typically in the southwestern area.
They have a short lived blooming span, and are typically perennial in most areas.
They can grow surprisingly tall, sometimes up to two and a half feet in height, and the flowers themselves are easily recognizable, as they have small red flecks in the center of each bud. They are a part of the primrose family.
6. Toyon
If you’ve ever been on a woodland walk in the California region, then chances are that you’ve come across this wild plant species called the Toyon. The Toyon looks very much like a wild berry, and likes to live in areas that are partially shaded.
They can reach a height of 30 feet in a matter of years, and are incredibly expansive in the region they grow. You can find them in a lot of different coastal ranges, and they tend to be in full bloom during the summer months.
7. Teasel
This unusual looking wildflower reminds us very much of the Scottish Thistle. It’s similar in appearance, and has a prickly stem that shoots off purple petals.
Unlike the thistle however, this flower has a greenish center, that’s gradually shaded the further up the petals go.
They’re very good for the environment, and act as a food source for a number of different birds. This is because their seeds act as a resource for these creatures during the winter months.
Another interesting fact about this flower is that it’s actually known to have healing properties. Some people make it into a liquid beverage to drink, that can aid in healing bones and various connective tissues around the body.
It’s also known as a popular remedy for those who are suffering from lyme disease.
8. Blue Elder
This flower is very recognizable, not because of its identifying flower petals, but because it’s known as one of the tallest wildflowers in the California region. That’s right, this flower, called the Blue Elder, can actually reach up to 30 feet.
Despite being called ‘Blue Elder’, the petals of these flowers aren’t actually blue in appearance. They usually tend to be white, but sometimes they also boast a yellowish appearance.
They grow all around the state, usually on mountain slopes, and areas that are susceptible to moisture.
An interesting fact about the Blue Elder flower is that it’s actually toxic. It’s not only harmful to cattle and household pets, but human beings too.
It can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms, including diarrhea, vomiting, chest pains, nausea, and feelings of disorientations. It should therefore be avoided in terms of planting within your garden, as it could be interested by smaller children or pets.
9. Brittlebush
This flower is easily recognizable, as it grows on top of short stems, in a bush like manner. The flowers look very much like large daisies, but they’re all yellow (for more flowers that look like daisies, read here). The center is a dark mustard color, whereas the petals are a lighter, more pastel color.
The leaves themselves are also highly recognizable, as they’re incredibly light, even more so than the flowers themselves. The stems are incredibly brittle in appearance, and are incredibly short.
Sometimes the flowers can be greenish in appearance too, especially towards the beginning of this flower’s lifespan. You will see these growing in incredibly dry conditions, such as the Colorado Desert (Also check out Common Types Of Colorado Wildflowers).
They’re incredibly hardy, and grow and bloom all through springtime into winter. An interesting fact about these flowers is that they can actually produce resin. People used to use the substance found in these Brittlebush flowers in order to make glue.
10. Baby Blue Eyes
If you’re looking for one of the prettiest wildflowers in the California region, then please allow us to introduce you to this species, affectionately called Baby Blue Eyes.
Baby blue eyes is actually known as a herb, and has a delicious scent that is often bottled and sold as an essence.
They are native to Baja, California, and Oregon. There’s no saying just where these flowers might sprout up, as they’re known for growing across a whole host of disparate areas. They grow everywhere from cool woodland areas, to grassy fields.
As you may have already guessed from the name, these flowers are known for their blueish appearance, and have little white veins that trail out from the center.
The center of the flower itself is typically white in appearance, and is peppered with lots of little black flecks. They are made up of a total of 5 petals per flower.
If you come across these pretty little wildflowers, make sure that you learn to smell their delicious aroma.
11. Orange Bush Monkeyflower
This flower has to be one of the most unique and unusual flowers in terms of appearance on our entire list. The Orange Bush Monkeyflower, as you may have guessed, is a light orange in appearance, and has incredibly long and sturdy stems.
Despite having the word ‘orange’ in their namesake, they can also vary in terms of color, and you may sometimes notice a red one amongst the species, or even white.
If they have the right weather conditions, then they can actually grow up to a whopping 4 feet in terms of height.
These flowers can be found all over California, and are most well known for their leaves. The reason being, their leaves are actually incredibly sticky, and if you manage to get one attached to your clothing, you may struggle to get it off.
They tend to bloom during springtime, and all the way through summer.
12. Forget Me Not
These flowers are popular the world over, because they grow in so many different regions. They boast longish stems that have very small flowers attached to them, with even smaller petals.
They are blue, or sometimes purple in appearance, and each of the buds has a yellow center.
Sometimes this plant is known as the scorpion flower, because the stem itself has a coiled appearance that is reminiscent of that of a scorpion tail.
Despite having a seemingly affectionate name, the reason why you’re sure not to forget this flower anytime soon isn’t because of its incredibly pretty appearance, but because of its smell.
If you’ve ever had the displeasure of walking past an array of these flowers, then chances are that you’ve smelt their incredibly pungent odor.
It’s certainly not a smell that you’re sure to forget any time soon, and also prevents them from being a contender in your garden at home.
13. Creeping Charlie
This flower, despite its incredibly pretty appearance, is actually known as being one of the biggest pests in the California region, as well as other areas across the US. It’s incredibly hardy, and can survive a number of different weather conditions.
Despite being such a pest however, it is incredibly good for wildlife, especially bees who love collecting pollen from this particular plant.
If you’re a native of California, then chances are you or someone you know has battled this plant at some point or another. It grows in grassy areas, which means that it often appears on people’s lawns.
It’s incredibly difficult to get rid of, and can’t be cut down using mowing or your hands. This means that it can be incredibly difficult to control, and many people seek the aid of professions to remove it from their gardens.
14. California Blackberry
These little flowers are actually responsible for creating nutritious fruit for consumption. They grow in various wide stretches of land all across California, and climb upwards in a trail.
Believe it or not, but they’re actually considered to be a part of the rose family.
They’re known for having incredibly delicate white petals that have an incredibly fragrant scent that can be found during the spring and summer months.
The berries that sprout from these are an incredibly dark red or purple color, and were actually used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes.
These are also safe for human consumption, and can be eaten as a food source.
15. Dame’s Rocket
This wildflower is incredibly beautiful to look at, and grows in large bundles of purple flowers. They are known by a number of different names, one of the most prominent being Night Scented Gilliflower.
This is because of the delicate, yet pleasant odor emitted by these flowers.
If you’ve traveled around California, then chances are that you’ve come across this variety at some point or another, as they’re ubiquitous in the region. They’re most commonly found in large grasslands, and meadows too.
They’re known as being an incredibly pretty plant, and are often used as a part of wildflower seed mixes that you can purchase for your own garden.
Bear in mind however, that this plant is sometimes considered to be invasive in nature, and can take over other flowers that you may have growing in your garden.
An interesting fact about the Dame’s Rocket is that their leaves are actually considered to be highly nutritious. This is particularly true for when they’re first beginning to sprout during the earliest portion of Spring.
They are packed full of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C, and can be used within salads. Bear in mind that it has a somewhat bitter taste.
16. Purple Coneflower
This flower looks very much like a dandelion in terms of shape, and boasts a coan like appearance, that is disk like, and has smaller purple petals that surround it.
This flower is known as being one of the best in California in terms of wildlife, because it’s filled with so much nectar, making it particularly great for a wide range of honey bee species.
They’re incredibly drought resistant, which means that they can survive a whole host of opposing weather conditions. They’re actually a popular choice as a garden plant, as they’re not considered to be pests, and they’re very low maintenance too.
If you do find yourself wanting to grow or plant these flowers in your own garden, then we’d recommend making sure that you have enough space, as they can grow until they’re quite tall. Sometimes they can even reach up to four feet.
In addition to this, another thing to keep in mind is that they’re incredibly appealing for wildlife. Many woodland creatures enjoy chowing down on the leaves, so depending on where you’re based, this could be a potential issue.
17. Creosote Bush
If you’re looking for one of the wildflowers based in California with the longest lifespan, then we’d like to introduce you to the Creosote Bush.
The Creosote Bush is known for being incredibly hardy, with an ability to survive a range of weather conditions. It grows in one of the driest areas in the whole of California, and is therefore completely drought resistant.
It’s unmistakable in terms of appearance, and boasts a whole host of white and orange flowers. They’re incredibly fragrant, and if you get the chance, be sure to smell these up close, as they’re incredibly fresh.
Despite being strongest in springtime, these flowers bloom throughout the year. In terms of actual lifespan, these flowers are incredible, and can actually live for up to a century if they remain untampered with.
18. Deerweed
This species isn’t one that you’ll find all that commonly in California, and not because they’re sparse in the region, but because they only bloom for a short period of time, so you may not notice them.
They’re incredibly unusual, as these flowers start off with a yellowish appearance, but then turn into a bright red before they finish their life cycle. Butterfly caterpillars tend to like to feed on these, and they’re fantastic for the wildlife in the region.
You will see these growing incredibly tall in the areas in which they thrive.
19. Spreading Dogbane
These flowers are quite unusual to look at, and have a mixture of white and red in the petals. They are made up of small, bell shaped flowers that are incredibly tiny in terms of appearance.
They look very much like lilacs apart from their coloring. They like living in sandy soil the most.
As you may have already guessed, they are incredibly poisonous to dogs. This means that although they’re very pretty to look at, they’re a definite no no when it comes to growing them in your own garden.
As well as being highly toxic to dogs, they’re also poisonous for human beings too, so be sure to take care around these plants if you have young children with you.
20. Wild Mint
Chances are that if you’ve come across this plant before, that you’ve noticed it’s deliciously fragrant scent before even noticing the flower that it’s emanating from.
It comes in clusters of flowers that look a lot lie lavender in appearance, and tend to be either white or pink in terms of coloring. It grows in wet condition, and you’ll probably find it most commonly seated next to riverbanks and shores.
Final Thoughts
To sum up, there are a whole host of different wildflowers that can be found ubiquitously in the California region. We sincerely hope that this guide has been helpful for all of your identification needs.
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