Wyoming has one of the smallest populations in the United States when it comes to people, but its natural beauty is one of the state’s biggest claims to fame.
Known for its beautiful National Parks and wide open spaces, Wyoming has no shortage of wildflowers. In fact, there are approximately 1,633 varieties of wildflowers distributed across the state.
In this guide, we’ll be introducing you to 45 of the most common wildflower species in Wyoming, some of which may be familiar, and some of which you may never have heard of before.
Read on to learn more about the wildflowers of Wyoming, from Field mustard to Alpine sagebrush!
1. Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone Narcissiflora)
As you might be able to tell just by looking at this wildflower, Narcissus-flowered anemone belongs to the buttercup family. The small flower blooms at the beginning of summer, and is mostly found in partially-shaded areas with rich soil.
You’ll have to look closely to find it, since it usually doesn’t get taller than 8 inches.
2. Pale Agoseris (Agoseris Glauca)
It’s easy to mistake this flower for a dandelion, but it’s actually a type of aster. Due to its deceptive appearance, Pale agoseris is also known as the false dandelion. It’s easy to spot when it blooms between late Spring and early Fall because of its large, bright yellow head, and since it adapts to various soil conditions, it’s fairly widespread.
3. Stinking Chamomile (Anthemis Cotula)
Don’t let this wildflower’s less-than-flattering name put you off getting a closer look! Stinking chamomile only releases an unpleasant odor when crushed. The rest of the time, it has a mild fragrance to match its delicate, daisy-like appearance.
Despite being small and fragile-looking, this flower is hardy and fast-growing. You can tell it apart from a daisy because of the shape of its leaves.
4. Northern Water-Plantain (Alisma Triviale)
If you’re passing a body of water or swamp in Wyoming, you might come across some Northern water-plantain.
Preferring wet climates, this flower will only be found growing in well-hydrated soil. While it can only grow in specific environments, it blooms all year, and you may also spot this plant species in Minnesota.
5. Alkali Marsh aster (Almutaster Pauciflorus)
Alkali marsh aster can vary in color, with some plants blooming with pink or blue flowers, whereas others produce white petals.
You’re most likely to see these beautiful flowers popping up between the months of April and October. This plant thrives in damp soil and is a key source of pollen and nectar for a variety of insects.
6. Horsemint Giant Hyssop (Agastache Urticifolia)
It shouldn’t be too difficult to spot Horsemint giant hyssop because this plant can grow up to three feet, and sometimes even taller. As you might have guessed from its name, this flower belongs to the mint family, although you might also hear it referred to as Nettle leaf giant hyssop.
The flowers typically bloom during the Summer months and are often surrounded by bees.
7. Crested Prickly Poppy (Argemone PPolyanthemos)
The Crested prickly poppy is, of course, part of the poppy family. Also known by its alternative name, annual pricklypoppy, the plant produces large white flowers (sometimes as large as 5 inches from edge to edge) with vibrant yellow centers.
The stems, meanwhile, are somewhere between green and blue on the color spectrum.
8. Showy Milkweed (Asclepias Apeciosa)
Showy milkweed is so named because it’s one of the most appealing-looking varieties of milkweed. In some cases, this plant can grow up to 3 feet tall, although many sit around the 1.5-foot mark.
Blooming between late Spring and early Fall, Showy milkweed is usually pink, but can often produce purple or green flowers.
9. Columbian Monkshood (Aconitum Columbianum)
It’s hard to miss the vibrant violet or blue color of Columbian monkshood when passing streams, damp areas of woodland, or moist thickets in Wyoming.
These flowers, despite their bright colors, thrive in the shade, where they attract insects and birds ranging from bees and hawk moths to hummingbirds. You can identify this flower by not only its vibrancy, but also its bilateral symmetry.
10. Orange Agoseris (Agoseris Aurantiaca)
If you see splashes of orange in a field between the months of June and August in Wyoming, there’s a good chance you’re looking at Orange agoseris.
Belonging to the aster family, Orange agoseris is unique among Agoseris plants because it’s the only one that produces orange flowers. These flowers tend to thrive in full sun, but they need plenty of hydration from moist soil.
11. Nodding Onion (Allium Cernuum)
Nodding onion is one of several varieties of wild onion to grow in Wyoming. It belongs to the lily family, blooming between June and August in areas of alkaline soil.
In order to grow to its full height of 1-2 feet, Nodding onion needs full sun and soil that is rich in humus. It’s fairly easy to grow in the right conditions and attracts pollinators with its pink or white flowers.
12. Common Yarrow (Achillea Millefolium)
Common yarrow is one of the hardiest wildflower species found in Wyoming. It can grow in many different environments and is able to thrive whether its soil is dry or damp. This is why the plant is so widespread.
You can identify common yarrow by its flat-topped, white flower clusters. This flower can be used for medicinal purposes.
13. Red Windflower (Anemone Multifida)
Red windflower can vary in size, with some stalks growing just 6 inches in height while others reach 20 inches. You might also hear this flower referred to as cut-leaf anemone, pacific anemone, or early thimbleweed.
Usually, the flowers are purple, yellow, or green outside, with a pale yellow interior.
14. Black Sagebrush (Artemisia Nova)
Black sagebrush is both common and widespread in Wyoming. The plant grows in clusters measuring roughly a foot in height, with green-brown stems and bright green leaves.
The shapes of the leaves are different at the bottom of each stem compared to the top of the stems. The flowers grow in clusters of yellow florets, which turn brown in the Fall months.
15. Yellow Milkvetch (Astragalus Flavus)
Don’t be fooled by this wildflower’s name – Yellow milkvetch doesn’t only produce yellow flowers! In fact, the flowers are typically white, and sometimes pink. You’ll see Yellow milkvetch flowers growing in clusters of around 15, and since this plant is perennial, it can bloom for a long time.
16. Snowball Sand Verbena (Abronia Fragrans)
The Snowball sand verbena produces clusters of white flowers, comprising as many as 70 flowers per cluster. The shape of the cluster is rounded, but the individual flowers are trumpet-shaped.
This plant is easy to identify because it grows up to 3 feet tall and the undersides of the leaves are hairy.
17. Hoary Alyssum (Berteroa Incana)
Hoary alyssum belongs to the mustard family. Identifiable by its blunt-tipped leaves (more pointed toward the top of the stem) and four-petaled white flowers, Berteroa incana also produces green fruits.
These fruits are stalkless and pod-like, and if you look at them from all angles, you’ll see that they are fairly flat.
18. Elegant Death Camas (Anticlea Elegans)
Also referred to as mountain death, Elegant death camas is fairly common in mountain ranges within the state of Wyoming, since it prefers sandy soils and partial shade.
These cream flowers with green accents grow in clusters on stems that can reach heights of up to 2 feet. You’ll usually see them blooming in early to mid-Summer.
19. Rock Jasmine (Androsace Septentrionalis)
Rock jasmine, or pygmyflower rock jasmine, depending on who you ask, is recognizable by its white flowers, which typically come through from the beginning of Spring to the start of Fall. The plant favors growing conditions that include gravelly soil and plenty of sand.
20. Sticky Gilia (Aliciella Pinnatifida)
This plant belongs to the phlox family and can vary significantly in terms of size, with some plants stopping at 12 inches and others growing up to 2 feet.
Sticky gilia is striking to look at because of its trumpet-shaped, blue flowers with long pistils. The flowers are usually in bloom between May and September.
21. Utah Serviceberry (Amelanchier Utahensis)
You wouldn’t necessarily guess just by looking at it, but Utah serviceberry is actually part of the rose family. This deciduous shrub can reach heights of 15 feet, although smaller plants might stop growing at 3 feet.
The flowers can be white or pink, and the plant produces purple fruit. The fruit is edible and sweet, and commonly used to make jam.
22. Bitter Dogbane (Apocynum And Rosaemifolium)
Bitter dogbane, or bitterroot, produces bell-shaped flowers that have a similar aroma to lilacs and are usually pale pink in color. The flowers grow in clusters and bloom between early and late summer.
You’ll usually find this plant growing in full sun where the soil is dry. Inside the stem of the Bitter dogbane plant, a milky sap can be found.
23. Spanish Clover (Acmispon Americanus)
Although Spanish clover is more common in the state of California, it’s also pretty widespread in Wyoming. This interesting-looking wildflower blooms with white flowers that are often tinged with either pink or yellow.
Interestingly, the Spanish clover is actually part of the pea family and can grow up to 2 feet tall in forest and coastal areas.
24. Leafy Arnica (Arnica Chamissonis)
You may know arnica as an ointment for treating bruises, but if you’re in Wyoming, you should also look out for this yellow wildflower, which tends to grow in mountain regions between June and August.
It can also thrive in open woodland areas, in valleys, and in meadows as long as the soil is moist. The maximum height for this plant is around 40 inches, but the leaves can be up to 9 inches long by themselves.
25. Rock Angelica (Angelica Roseana)
If you’re in the mountains of Wyoming, you might come across Rock angelica, which belongs to the carrot family and can be identified by its white flower clusters and large, dentate leaves.
Blooming season for this wildflower is from July to September, and the plant also produces oblong fruits.
26. Baneberry (Actaea Rubra)
Baneberry might not look like it, but it’s actually part of the buttercup family. Its flowers are mainly white, but it produces round berry-like fruits, hence the plant’s common name.
The flowers of the Baneberry plant bloom between May and September, and the plant as a whole can grow up to 3 feet tall, thriving in damp, woodland areas.
27. Fragrant White Sand Verbena (Abronia Elliptica)
Fragrant white sand verbena might only grow up to 10 inches in height, but it’s easy to identify in Wyoming because it tends to only grow in areas where the soil is sandy or gravelly.
Additionally, the flowers grow in clusters of up to 75 individual flowers. These tubular flowers have thin petals that form white or pink tubes.
28. Hookers Onion (Allium Acuminatum)
Hookers onion is usually in bloom between the months of May and July. This wildflower can reach up to a foot tall and produces pink, bell-shaped flowers.
In addition to Wyoming, these pretty flowers can also be found in Arizona (Also check out Common Types Of Arizona Wildflowers) and Washington, as well as in several other states. You can tell this plant is part of the onion family because of its distinctive smell.
29. Western Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis Margaritacea)
Western pearly everlasting grows clusters of little white flowers which are beautiful to look at. These flowers tend to appear between early Summer and early Fall.
The stems are thick and rigid, and the leaves are narrow with hair on the undersides as well as a thinner coating of hair on top.
30. American PasqueFlower (Anemone Patens)
This striking wildflower primarily grows in the mountain states and thrives on hillsides and in woodlands as well as prairies. It can grow up to 16 inches tall, and the flowers of the plant bloom between the middle of Spring and the end of Summer.
The plant belongs to the buttercup family and is also known as the prairie crocus.
31. White Angelica (Angelica Arguta)
White angelica is part of the Carrot family. It prefers to grow in areas of Coniferous woodland, but its preferred altitude has a wide range, spanning sea level up to 9,000 feet.
The clusters of tiny white flowers look quite similar to some other Wyoming wildflowers, but you can identify the plant by looking for sharp-toothed, elliptic leaves. This flower blooms between mid and late Summer.
32. Indian Hemp (Apocynum Cannabinum)
Indian hemp is known by many names, including American dogbane, prairie dogbane, hemp dogbane, and black Indian hemp. This plant produces small, bell-shaped, white flowers that come into bloom between May and August.
While this plant looks very beautiful when it’s in bloom, you should be very careful of handling it because it can be toxic if you accidentally ingest it.
33. Golden Columbine (Aquilegia Flavescens)
The flowers of the Golden columbine plant bloom during the Spring and Summer. The wildflower prefers clay, sand, and loam soil, which should be both moist and well-draining.
Because of the specific growing conditions Golden columbine needs to thrive, it’s not as widespread as some other Wyoming wildflowers, but in the right environment, it grows vigorously.
34. Alpine Sagebrush (Artemisia Scopulorum)
Alpine sagebrush is a perennial wildflower commonly found in Wyoming. It’s technically a herb and is part of the Aster family, growing to a maximum of roughly 10 inches.
The plant blooms in late Summer, between July and August, and it can produce brown, red, or yellow flowers. You can also find this plant in the states of Montana, Colorado (Also check out Common Types Of Colorado Wildflowers), Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico.
35. Horsetail Milkweed (Asclepias Subverticillata)
Horsetail milkweed, also known as Poison milkweed, is part of the Milkweed family and can be identified by its clumps of white, star-shaped flowers.
This perennial herb blooms throughout Summer and into early Fall. It thrives in sandy, rocky conditions and can typically be found growing in desert areas as well as on roadsides.
36. Shadescale (Atriplex Confertifolia)
Shadescale is a very interesting-looking wildflower that can be found in the majority of Western states, including Wyoming. It blooms from early
Spring to early Fall and tends to grow in desert and woodland areas, particularly favoring pine forests and scrubland. It grows up to 3 feet in height and gets its name from the scaly coating on its leaves.
37. Alpine Bistort (Bistorta Vivipara)
Alpine bistort is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the buckwheat and knotweed family.
It isn’t very large, growing to a maximum of 6 inches in height, but it’s easily identifiable by its small white or pink flowers that bloom in a spike on top of a branchless stem. The flowers usually come through in early to mid-Summer, in the months of June and July.
38. Field Mustard (Brassica Rapa)
Field mustard is a very common Wyoming wildflower, but that doesn’t make it any less fascinating to look at when it’s in bloom. The flowers of this plant are cross-shaped and can be either white or yellow.
The leaves lower down on the stalk tend to be larger, with smaller leaves protruding towards the top of the stalk. While the plant is young, all of its parts are edible.
39. Harebell (Campanula Rotundifolia)
You might be lucky enough to catch sight of some Harebell flowers in Wyoming between the months of July and September. These delicate flowers are deceptively resilient, especially in optimal growing conditions (dry and grassy).
This is a creeping perennial plant that you can identify by looking at the bell shape of its blue flowers and mostly round leaves.
40. Thick-Stem Wild Cabbage (Caulanthus Crassicaulis)
Thick-stem wild cabbage is a perennial herb that is native to the Western U.S. states, including Wyoming. It’s commonly found in scrubland areas as well as woodland habitats.
To identify this wildflower, look for a thick stem with a rosette at the base and rounded flowers coated with sepals. If you look closely at the tip, you’ll see either brown or deep purple petals.
41. Fireweed (Chamerion Angustifolium)
Fireweed is a particularly vibrant Wyoming wildflower that’s easy to spot in open meadows, at the edges of forests, and on roadsides. You might also see it growing close to streams since it enjoys moist soil.
In addition to its bright pink flowers, Fireweed is identifiable by its height, which can reach up to 9 feet. The plant produces parachutes of fluffy seeds to reproduce quickly.
42. Pipsissewa (Chimaphila Umbellata)
Pipsissewa is known by many names, including prince’s pine and umbellate wintergreen. Its preferred growing conditions include dry woodland areas and places where there’s plenty of sandy soil.
This evergreen plant maintains its bright green foliage throughout the year and produces small, white or pink flowers that grow in clusters of up to 8.
43. Bull thistle (Cirsium Vulgare)
Also known as the common thistle or spear thistle, Bull thistle is a biennial plant that is easy to spot thanks to its pink inflorescence combined with spine-tipped wings.
This thistle grows very aggressively, spreading by seed in a short amount of time. However, it is beneficial to pollinators and animals that feed on nectar.
44. Snowlover (ChionophilaJamesii)
This stunning wildflower grows only up to 4 inches tall, but its purple stamens and flattered corollas, along with its brown-edged white petals, make it easy to identify.
The flowers are interesting to look at because of their irregular, tubular shape. With that being said, each flower typically has 5 petals. You’ll usually find this flower growing in rocky environments with moist soil, such as alpine regions and tundras.
45. Woodland Sage (Salvia Sylvestris)
This Salvia family member blooms between May and August, producing violet flowers that grow in long spikes. It can grow in a variety of soil types, including chalk, loam, sand, and clay, but the soil must be both moist and well-draining.
This hardy wildflower can survive harsh winters in Wyoming.
Final Thoughts
Wyoming has an incredible variety of wildflowers, and this list of 45 species just scratches the surface of the plants you’ll come across in the Equality State.
Remember never to pick wildflowers from Wyoming’s National Parks, or anywhere else unless you know harvesting is permitted.
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