Are you interested in learning about the remarkable wildflowers of Ireland? Yes? Well, this article is going to be perfect for you. We have gathered a range of stunning wildflowers that you might see in Ireland on your next adventure.
So, in this article, we are going to tell you about twenty-five of the best Irish wildflowers to spot on your next adventure. Let’s get started!
1. Agrimony – Agrimonia Eupatoria
This flower is tall and has little yellow blooms. It flowers between June and September, and it is a native plant to Ireland.
You will most often find these plants on dry grass, hedgerows, and along the side of the road. Despite how common these plants are, they are no less beautiful.
2. Wood Anemone – Anemone Nemorosa
This little white flower blooms between February and April. It is a perennial plant that is native to the country of Ireland.
These flowers can range in color and be white or even a little pink. They like to grow in moist soil in the woods, beside streams, or on road banks.
3. Wild Angelica – Angelica Sylvestris
This stunning plant can range between pink and white in color, and it blooms between July and September. It is a native plant to Ireland which is also a perennial.
This wildflower will mostly be found beside rivers, in damp meadows, in grasslands, and in the woods. They are quite a prolific flower, but they are no less beautiful.
4. Crab-Apple – Malus Sylvestris
Crab-apples not only grow fruit, but they also have pretty five-leafed blooms which will almost certainly take your breath away.
They grow on long stalks and are a whitish pink. These plants tend to flower in June, and they will grow fruit in Autumn. They are a small deciduous tree that is native to Ireland.
5. Marsh Arrowgrass – Triglochin Palustris
These plants will flower between the months of May and August. They are a native plant to Ireland and they are perennial.
The Marsh Arrowgrass plant will grow in a tall narrow stalk with a series of shoots on the sides. They may not be big and flamboyant flowers, but they are no less pretty.
6. Arrowhead – Sagittaria Sagittifolia
Arrowhead plants bloom between the months of July and August. They are an aquatic perennial that is native to Ireland.
You will most often see these flowers in and around slow-moving fresh water. They are quite a common plant in Ireland, so you are sure to see them on your adventures.
7. Sea Aster – Tripolium Pannonicum
These are gorgeous little plants, they have a bunch of little sharp petals with a beautiful yellow center. Sea aster will bloom between July and October, they are short-lived perennials and they are native to the country of Ireland.
8. Hybrid Avens – Geum Rivale x Urbanum
These pretty little yellow flowers bloom between the months of April and September. These are common little flowers which are quite common in Ireland.
9. Mountain Avens – Dryas Octopetala
These plants grow in little clusters with a bunch of little white and yellow flowers. They will bloom between the months of May and July.
Mountain avens are a procumbent dwarf shrub that is native to Ireland. They have eight white petals with long hairy stems.
10. Red Bartsia – Odontites Vernus
These beautiful flowers grow in a tall leafy stem. They flower between June and August, and they are a native plant of Ireland. These are very common flowers in the country, so you are sure to see them just about anywhere.
11. Great Marsh-Bedstraw – Galium Palustre
These white flowers might be small, but they are stunning! They have four little pointed petals and grow in clusters. You can see them growing in little bunches along the edge of lakes, ponds, marshes, and reed beds.
12. Betony – Betonica Officinalis
This plant flowers between the months of June and October, they are a perennial and native to Ireland. You are not likely to see these flowers, as they are considered to be an endangered species. But, if you are lucky. You might find a tall stem with these pretty purple flowers.
13. Bilberry – Vaccinium Myrtillus
These unique red flowers look a bit like berries or buds. They tend to flower between April and June, and they will start developing fruit between the months of July and August.
You will find these flowers on mountains, in moors, in heaths, and in acid woodland. They are not a rare plant, so you are almost certain to see one of these pretty flowers in Ireland.
14. Field Bindweed – Convolvulus Arvensis
These common flowers look a lot like other plants native to Ireland. In particular, Sea Bindweed. They will flower between June and September and are a native plant to Ireland. The colors can range from light pink to white or a combination of the two.
15. Common Bird’s-Foot-Trefoil – Lotus Corniculatus
If you want to see a striking but small wildflower in Ireland on your next adventure, then you need to keep your eyes peeled for this stunning yellow and orange flower. It will bloom between the months of June and September, and it is a native plant to Ireland.
16. Amphibious Bistort – Persicaria Amphibia
These thick and waxy wildflowers are stunning if you are lucky enough to spot them in a lake or pond. They will be flowering between June and July.
Amphibious Bistort is a perennial flower that is native to Ireland. They are very common, and you will often see them in ponds, lakes, ditches, rivers, and near other water sources.
17. Wavy Bittercress – Cardamine Flexuosa
This is a flower that blooms between March and September. They flower every year and grow on thick woody stems.
These flowers will have four to six petals and look a little hairy. But these pretty white flowers are certainly worth checking out if you happen across them on your adventures.
18. Blackthorn – Prunus Spinosa
These flowers grow on a deciduous shrub that is native to Ireland. They have white flowers with long stems in the center.
Before the flowers appear, there will be loads of new spring leaves blooming as this plant will flower in the spring between March and May.
19. Greater Bladderwort – Utricularia Vulgaris
This plant will flower between July and August, it is an introspective perennial which is native to Ireland. Greater bladderwort grows on stalks and has bright yellow flowers.
If you happen to spot these flowers in pools, lakes, or fens, you should undoubtedly take a moment to admire the pretty yellow flowers.
20. Bluebell – Hyacinthoides Non-Scripta
Bluebells are a common flower that you will almost definitely have heard of. These flowers grow on long stalks which are bent over. They look like a bunch of little purple bells. If you have not seen them in real life, you are missing out!
21. Blue-Eyed Grass – Sisyrinchium Bermudiana
These stunning blue flowers are most often found in wet meadows, the shores of lakes, on marshy ground, and in various parts of Ireland. They will flower between June and August. It is unclear whether they are a native plant or introduced.
22. Bogbean – Menyanthes Trifoliata
These gorgeous fluffy white and pink flowers will be blooming between April and July. They are a perennial plant that is native to Ireland.
You will often see these plants in fens, ponds, or in shallow muddy water. They are a very common plant in Ireland, so you are sure to see them on your travels.
23. Blackberries – Rubus Fruticosus
Surprisingly, blackberries have beautiful pink flowers. If you never pay attention to the flowers, you are missing out.
While the berries are a striking red, the flowers are a more subdued whitish pink. Take a moment and admire these beautiful flowers if you see them in the wild.
24. Broom – Cytisus Scoparius
These flowers will mostly be found on coastal exposed cliffs, and in various parts of Ireland. These are solitary plants that sport a ton of little yellow flowers.
They will bloom between May and August, so if you want to see them, make sure that you are in the country around this time.
25. Butterbur – Petasites Hybridus
If you want to see a gorgeous plant that looks like it came from an alien planet, then look out for butterbur. It is a pink plant that is native to Ireland and flowers between March and May.
Final Thoughts
Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading this article and learning about these gorgeous Irish wildflowers. They are all absolutely stunning and if you take the time, you will certainly see a bunch of them on your Irish adventures.
Taking the time to admire the natural beauty of the world around you can really add a bit of spice to your life. The Irish countryside is spectacular, and it gets even better when you admire the small things.
Next time you are on your annual vacation adventures, take some time to walk around outside. Go on a hike, stroll through local parks, or do another outdoor activity that you might enjoy.
Regardless of where you are going or what you are doing, take a few minutes to look around and spot some of the spectacular blooms around you.
If you have enjoyed this article, make sure to check out our website. We have a bunch of fantastic articles there that you are certain to find interesting and even useful. From Irish wildflowers to gorgeous Wisconsin blooms. We have it all!
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