Do you love the appearance of the tiny, common daisies that grow in fields across the world, and wish you could plant them, but they’re too small to make a difference in your garden? Say no more.

In this article, we have listed 20 types of flowers that are either directly related to the common daisy, or they just look a lot like them.
So, let’s jump straight into it.
What Is A Daisy?
When walking along a field at the peak of spring, you will notice an abundance of tiny white-and-yellow flowers that you have likely already seen thousands of times over the years. These are some of the most familiar flowers of all time.
The common daisy (Bellis perennis), the oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), and the Shasta daisy (L. superbum) are all plants that are usually referred to as ‘daisies’.
Although the well-known common daisy – or the English daisy – is native to Europe and Asia, it has spread to other parts of the world, including the US, and is now a widespread wild plant. They typically begin to bloom at the beginning of spring.
However, the particular kind of daisy and the local climate will determine when it blooms exactly. In drier, more wintry climates, some daisies emerge in mid- to late summer, or even during fall.
While some daisies bloom in as little as two months, others might take up to three. This, again, depends on the climate. In many areas of the world, though, you can expect to see these little flowers blooming from the start of spring, into the summer.
Although various combinations of colors frequently occur, the English daisy can be identified by the composition of its flower head, which is often made up of between fifteen and thirty white or purple petals encircling a brightly yellow-colored disc.
It is frequently grown as a bedding plant.
The English daisy, has stalks of flowers without leaves, and leaflike appendages beneath the flower heads, as well as several rounded, furry leaves that create a cluster close to its foundation.
They come in a variety of floral forms, some with double flowers and others with either red or pink ray flowers encircling a bright yellow core.
Even though the English daisy is typically the one people think of when they think of this flower, there are other kinds of flowering plants in the aster family (Asteraceae) that are also referred to as daisies.
However, other types of daisies are larger than the English daisy and have a variety of colors.
Below, we have listed 20 types of flowers that look similar to the English daisy, and some of them actually are considered to be daisies in their own right.
We have picked the ones that closest resemble the English daisy.
1. Aster
As we mentioned earlier, daisies come from the aster family, or the Asteraceae family. This means that, by right, an aster (Aster Spp.) doesn’t only look like a daisy, but it is a daisy.
However, it is not an English daisy. It is quite a bit larger, and comes in brighter, more vivid colors.
Despite the fact that it comes in a variety of hues, the most popular colors appear to be on the blue to pink spectrum, with purple being one of the most loved hues.
Purple Dome boasts some of the most vibrant violet petals, and September Ruby has the deepest purple crimson of any flower.
Additionally, there are softer hues to be found, including the Audrey’s faint purplish pink and Treasure’s exquisite lilac petals.
From summer through fall, this highly prodigious flowering perennial can occupy flower beds and pots with a profusion of lovely flowers and draw numerous pollinating insects, such as bumblebees.
The aster is a strong, resilient plant that is simple to cultivate, making it the perfect choice for temperate areas. Asters may thrive in USDA zones 4 to 8, but they need full sun or some shade to develop to their full potential.
Their maximum height and spread are 3 to 4 feet, and 1 to 2 feet, respectively. There are smaller variations as well, though.
In terms of soil specifications, asters are quite obliging. They enjoy nearly any type of well-drained soil, including loam, clay, and sand.
They are drought-resistant and tolerant of heavy clay, and they can adjust to moderately acidic or somewhat alkaline soil.
2. Coneflowers
Coneflowers (Echinacea Spp.) have gained popularity in recent years due to their fantastic medicinal properties as well as their seductive appearance and eye-catching colors.
They look beautiful in beds and borders, as well as in cottage landscaping and untamed plains.
Like asters, coneflowers are technically members of the daisy family, but their disc is shaped like a cone rather than being flattened.
They are prolific bloomers, with colors ranging from the deepest red found in the natural world, such as ‘Firebird’, to a brilliant lime yellow, such as ‘Sunrise’.
Numerous variants, such as the light-colored Echinacea purpurea and the pale rose variety ‘Hope’, flirt across the pink to magenta spectrum.
Coneflowers are best grown in full sun and are typically hardy in USDA zones 4 through 10.
Typically, they will reach heights of 2 to 3 feet and widths of 1 to 2 feet.
They can tolerate well-drained loam, chalk, or sandy terrain with a pH ranging from moderately acidic to moderately alkaline. They can survive droughts and withstand rocky and thick clay soil.
3. Daisy Bush
Daisy bushes (Olearia X Scilloniensis) can be the perfect plant for you if your goal is to make a big impact with only one daisy-like flower. Additionally, this plant is both drought-resistant and salt-resistant.
This shrub drapes itself in a heavy and substantial layer of white blossoms from the end of spring to the beginning of summer, giving the impression that a blanket of snow has fallen on your yard.
The tree-like plant is a perennial with a modest and rounded custom, meaning that after the enormous bloom has faded, you will only be left surrounded by the stunning greenery.
This shrub will be made up of little, longitudinal leaves that are a vibrant green color and a delicate smoothness.
Adding refreshing vegetation, structure, and blooms to coastal and seashore xeric gardens is also a terrific idea with the daisy bush.
The daisy bush can withstand USDA zones 8 to 10, however it requires full Sun exposure in terms of light absorption. When fully grown, this plant can reach heights of 4 to 6 feet and an extension of 1.2 to 1.8 metres.
The bush daisy is not a picky plant; all it need is well-drained soil of most sorts, including loam, chalk, or sand, with a pH range of a little alkaline to moderately acidic.
4. Painted Daisy
Painted daisies (Tenacetum Coccineum) are at the highest point of the roster in terms of brightness and vitality when it comes to startlingly brilliant flowers with a powerful demeanor.
These flowers appear to have been delicately painted with colorful pigments, as their name would imply.
Its petals are quite strongly colored in either white, brilliant pink, red, or violet. The yellow core disc brings brightness and clarity to the seemingly magical hues of the ray petals.
This flower’s look is so striking that it will stand out in any arrangement in which it is used.
Perhaps the most striking hue of painted daisy, which can only be characterized as ‘electrifying’ is the dark magenta. These plants are perfect for borders and loose sandy gardening near the ocean.
The painted daisy may be grown in USDA zones 3 to 7, and it needs full sunlight or some shade in order to get adequate light to flourish. It can grow up to 2 to 3 feet tall and 1 to 2 feet wide.
It requires sandy soil that drains well, is drought-resistant, and has a pH range of slightly acidic to slightly alkaline.
5. Ice Plant (Delosperma Spp.)
Next, we have a succulent that resembles a daisy but is actually a member of the Asteraceae family and is beautifully colored. The gorgeous flowers of the ice plant have numerous lengthy petals that have an oily, glossy appearance.
Although the plants are relatively small, the numerous blossoms are rather large, measuring around 2 inches in diameter. Furthermore, it can survive for a pretty long time because the blooming season lasts from the end of spring to fall.
There are numerous hues available, from the vivid red ‘Jewel of the Desert Garnet’, to the vibrant white ‘Wheels of Wonder’.
Some are two-toned, such as the ‘Jewel of the Desert Ruby’, a reddish color with a purplish exterior and a white interior. Other designs possess more tender hues, such as the vivid pink ‘Kelaindis’ and the pale violet ‘Lavender Ice’.
The ice plant can survive in USDA zones 6 to 10, however it needs full sun exposure to receive the right quantity of light absorption. The plant will eventually grow to a height of 4 to 6 inches and a spread of 1 to 2 feet.
You must maintain this plant in some well-drained, moderate soil or sand in order to keep it healthy. It benefits from a pH that is higher on the acidic side, but it can also be somewhat alkaline or acidic.
It thrives in rocky soil and is resistant to drought.
6. Compass Plant
Although daisies are often thought of as sweet-looking flowers, this is sometimes not the case. For instance, the compass plant (Silphium Laciniatum) has the wild, uncontrolled appearance you may wish to add to your own garden.
This hardy perennial has the ideal presence if you’d like your garden to appear raw and unruly, but still beautiful at heart.
With towering stems producing alternating flowers over a little shrub at its lowest point, it resembles wild chicory (Cichorium intybus) more than anything else.
The plant’s split smaller leaves enhance the appearance of the flowers, which, despite being reduced in size, remind one of Van Gogh’s Sunflower paintings.
Its petals frequently flex and contort as though using their vibrantly colored vitality to communicate agony and desire.
This plant can reach heights of 5-9 feet and a spread of 2-3 feet. It may grow in USDA zones 5 to 9, and it must be fully subjected to full sunlight while it is growing in order to receive full light absorption.
The drought-resistant plant needs to be cultivated in well-drained clay or loam having a pH range of alkaline to neutral.
7. Mexican Sunflower
This flower’s name is no mistake, as it describes its being perfectly.
From summer through fall, the Mexican sunflower (Tithonia Rotundifolia) will attract a plethora of fluttering birds and insects, as well as the welcoming spirit and vivid sunshine of sunny Mexican evenings to its gardener’s beds and borders.
Mexican sunflower has huge, beautiful, intense orange-colored flowers with a golden disc in the center that can measure up to 3 inches wide. The large, interwoven petals have tips with a little point that curve inward as the bloom ages.
This plant, which is reasonably big and has a significant impact in whichever garden it is placed within, won the All American Selection competition back in 2000.
It works well in expansive gardens and environments that can support vibrant colors.
Contrary to the name it bears, THE Mexican sunflower thrives in USDA zones 2 to 11. It should be exposed to the full Sun in order to recover all the light exposure.
It can reach heights of 4 to 6 feet and a spread of 2 to 3 feet.
This drought-resistant plant needs well-drained loam or sandy loam with a pH range of moderate alkaline to slightly acidic in order to thrive.
8. Leopard Plant
The leopard plant (Ligularia Przewalskii), a unique variation based on the daisy’s form created by the forces of nature, features tall erect stems with countless vibrantly colored flowers and huge leaves that are heart-shaped at the base of the plant.
On tall, black branches, the blossoms will appear in the height of summer.
This gives the plant’s design a structural component that will enable you to get creative with the daisy structure of the blooms while introducing a powerful and assertive personality to your borders.
Due to their long, drooping appearance, leopard plants, also known as ‘the rocket’, look their best adjacent to ponds and streams. When the wind is blowing and the flowers are fluttering in the air, it looks beautiful.
Although there are several natural types of leopard plant, the cultivar that grows it is distinguished for its graceful elegance, and has been given the Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society as a result.
The leopard plant may thrive in USDA zones 4 to 8. It will need to develop in some full sunlight, part shade, or even complete shade with regard to of light exposure.
This plant has the ability to reach heights of 3 to 5 feet and a spread of 2 to 4 feet.
This plant is one of the handful of plants that can survive in moist soil, in terms of soil conditions. It favors silt or clay with a pH range of mildly acidic to highly alkaline for growth. It can also handle soil that is wet.
9. Butter Daisy
A very dainty flower, the butter daisy (Verbesina Encelioides) can add a worldly touch to your beds and borders. Everything about this plant is delicate, from its overall design to the lovely colors it comes in.
The leaves have silver flecks and a light greenish blue color. The numerous flowers have delicate yellow discs with sparse pale butter yellow rays linked to them.
With the petals enlarging and finishing with crumpled tips, they resemble silk pieces that are merely scarcely attached to the center.
At the peak of a watercolor sea of large leaves, the flower visually depicts flames that are a soft pastel yellow color.
A robust and quick-growing plant, the butter daisy blooms from mid-spring until the midst of fall, when the weather becomes cold.
The butter daisy will spread out across a distance of around 2–3 feet and develop to a height of about 2–5 feet. This plant requires exposure to full sunlight in order to thrive properly, despite being extremely hardy to USDA zones 2 to 11.
The drought-tolerant butter daisy doesn’t have any particular soil requirements; it just needs some well-drained loam, chalk, clay, or sand with a pH range of moderately acidic to somewhat alkaline.
10. Seaside Daisy
Little flowers compare to seaside daisies (Erigeron Glaucus) for coastline gardens, to liven up gravel gardens, or to be planted within a rock landscape, particularly one situated by the sea.
From mid-spring through the end of summer, this compact perennial will produce little shrubs of velvety lush greenery that are alive with numerous mauve blush-colored blossoms with yellow discs.
They feature the classic many-petal daisy design, but the color renders them rather beautiful, and when they reflect light, the recurrent nature of the rays reminds one of succulent blossoms.
A minimally maintained plant, the coastal daisy will also draw butterflies to your outdoor space, which will enhance the color and beauty of your yard. The plant can also be placed in pots and other containers without difficulty.
The coastal daisy is hardy in USDA zones 5 to 8, and they can be exposed to either direct sunlight or a little shade to get the right amount of light absorption. They reach heights of 6 to 12 inches and a spread of 1 to 2 feet.
The seashore daisy can be planted and cultivated in some well-drained loam, chalk, or sandy loam with a pH ranging from somewhat acidic to somewhat acidic since it is drought-resistant.
11. Chocolate Daisy
The chocolate daisy (Berlandiera Lyrata) is a unique and distinctive variation on the daisy flower design, with 8 ray-like petals that are the most intense and richest yellow you’re able to envision.
The interior disc of the chocolate daisy features a few tiny blooms that are green while closed, but they turn a deep crimson red once they have opened.
The petals of these flowers are fairly big and noticeable, with a big yellow anther at the center.
Two crimson red filaments at the foundation of the rays are the same color as the disc flowers, and the entire structure is enclosed by a disc of crossing green foliage. It can reach heights of up to two feet and with an extension of 30 to 60 cm.
The late spring to early fall blooming period of the chocolate daisy makes it another excellent bloomer. As a result, you will always have chocolate daisies in your borders, beds, or untamed grasslands for many months.
The chocolate daisy thrives in light exposure from the full sun, and it is durable in USDA zones 4 to 10.
Thoroughly drained loam or sandy loam with a pH ranging from moderately alkaline to a little acidic will work wonderfully for soil. In addition to growing well on rocky soil, it is also drought-tolerant.
12. Tickseed
The tickseed (Coreopsis Verticillata) is a sturdy perennial that will bloom in stunning daisy-like flowers. This particular blossom has eight gorgeous, huge ray petals, and its disc is typically rather small and corresponds precisely to the rays in color.
The species is ideal for borders that need some color because it produces numerous flowers on thin, lengthy stalks. They will continue to bloom throughout the summer, giving you a wide variety to pick from.
Tickseed comes in a number of remarkable variations, including ‘Ruby Frost’, which has deep ruby red petals with white edges, ‘Moonlight’, which has a subtle tint of greenish yellow, and ‘Sienna Sunset’, which has the richest tone of apricot.
There are plenty of beautiful tints and shades to pick from.
USDA zones 5 to 9 are suitable for many tickseed kinds, whereas zones 6 to 10 are suitable for the ‘Ruby Frost’ variation. To get the greatest benefit of light exposure, they will require full exposure to the sun.
They can reach heights of 1–2 feet and have an expanse of 2–3 feet. The ideal soil should be well-drained and range in pH from acidic to neutral. It can endure rocky soil and is resistant to drought.
13. Blackfoot Daisy
Blackfoot daisies (Melampodium Leucanthum) are a favorite of those who prefer ‘dry gardening’, or xericscaping, because they are ideal for arid gardens.
This hardy perennial can add a stunning, classy appearance to any rock garden, graveled landscape, or prairie, even in dry climates.
These flowers possess gloomy fuzzed greenery, striking white flowers, and petite, domed yellow centers.
Blackfoot daisy ray petals are quite substantial and distinctive due to the fact that they possess a dip at the end, right in the center, giving them points that resemble a heart shape.
Out of all the flowers in this list, the blackfoot daisy is one of the closest in appearance to the English daisy. They will also contribute a really delicious scent in addition to their beautiful, vibrant colours.
Additionally, the blackfoot daisy is a very tenacious bloomer and will continue to produce blossoms from spring through autumn. They can reach heights of 6 to 12 inches and a spread of 1 to 2 feet.
The blackfoot daisy is hardy in USDA zones 6 to 10, and they should be exposed to full sunlight or some partial shade in order to get the correct amount of light exposure.
This drought-resistant plant needs well-drained chalk or sandy soil having a pH range of acidic to neutral in order to thrive.
14. Engelmann Daisy
The divided leaves of the dainty yet vibrant-appearing Engelmann daisy (Engelmannia Peristenia) are characterized by branching stems that feature multiple flowers on each one, and highly layered furry greenery.
It is noticeable from a mile away due to its bright and vivid colors.
This perennial’s flowers have wide rays and almost rhomboid-shaped petals, but little central discs. The result renders it as distinctive as an English daisy, and just as attractive.
This flower is a great option for a border which requires both more greenery and vibrant, vivacious blossoms.
It is quite popular with butterflies, who frequent its blossoms throughout the entire flowering period, which lasts from spring until the start of the colder months of the year.
This drought-resistant flower is simple for cultivation and is ideal for xeric settings. The Engelmann daisy prefers fertile soil of most sorts, such as clay, chalk, or sand, with a pH ranging from a little acidic to somewhat alkaline.
The USDA hardiness range for the Engelmann daisy is 5 to 10. In terms of light exposure, it must be grown in full sun or light shade. It will grow to a height of one to three feet and a spread of one to two feet when fully grown.
15. Trailing Ice Plant
Although this plant is undoubtedly not a daisy, it resembles the flower in both structure and appearance.
The trailing ice plant (Lampranthus Spectabilis) is a succulent that blooms and has an abundance of stunning, vivid purple blossoms.
This stunning evergreen, which has long, spiky foliage, blooms twice a year. This takes place from the beginning of summer to the start of fall, and once again from winter to spring.
Therefore, with the trailing ice plant, you can enjoy its beauty all year around.
These gorgeous, huge, 5 cm in circumference blossoms have the distinctive shiny appearance of succulent flowers.
It is a stunning expanding plant that may enhance beds, borders, rock landscaped areas, untamed prairies, even in environments that are somewhat severe such coastal landscapes and xeric environments.
The trailing ice plant can grow in USDA zones 8 to 10, however it needs to spend a certain period in full sunlight in order to get the right kind of light exposure.
The trailing ice plant’s height and diameter could reach 6 to 12 inches and 1 to 2 feet, respectively, and its soil needs will demand special care.
It must be planted in some loam or sandy loam that is very well drained, light, and has a pH range of somewhat acidic to slightly alkaline, but is ideally on the acidic side.
It thrives in gravelly soil and containers, and is salt and drought tolerant.
16. Mexican Flame Vine
Mexican flame vine (Senecio Confusus), while it is a genuine daisy, is an exceptionally peculiar plant since it has large leaves. It has puffy bronze to golden colored discs and colorful ray petals that are the most intense orange conceivable.
From the end of spring through early October, there is a fairly long flowering period.
The resemblance to the majority of other daisies ceases here, though. The Mexican flame vine is actually a giant, evergreen vine with enormous, mushy leaves, not something like a shrub or tiny plant.
Even in dry climates, this exotic-looking, drought-resistant daisy is great for patios, trellises, and pergolas. When compared to some of the other items on this list, the colors are quite vibrant but also quite dark.
Mexican flame vine is hardy in USDA zones 9 to 13, and in order for it to completely and effectively flourish, it must be placed in full sunlight.
The Mexican flame vine will grow to a height of 6 to 12 feet, and a spread of 3 to 6 feet.
This plant requires well-drained loam or sandy ground with a pH range of a little acidic to slightly alkaline in order to thrive.
17. African Daisies
African daisies (Ostesospermum Spp.), with their long, vividly colored streaks that give life to your outdoor space with all the brightness of Africa, are the famous daisy form of flowers modified to a highly exotic aspect.
They frequently have larger, more flamboyant forms, frequently with ray petals that are widely spread. The disks, on the contrary hand, are typically black in colour and a lot smaller than the other daisies in our list.
It is difficult to single out standout colors from the incredible variety available since each of their colors are so vibrant and incredible to look at.
They look fantastic in beds of flowers, containers, outdoor areas, and balconies. Most African daisies possess exceptionally sculpted petals with amazing substance and flexibility.
They thrive with full sun exposure and may survive in USDA zones 10 to 11. African daisies have a one-foot height and spread when fully developed. Some could even be nearly 2 feet tall.
African daisies that can withstand drought like to grow in well-drained dirt, chalk, or sandy conditions with a pH range of moderately alkaline to neutral.
18. Marigold
Some individuals are also unaware that marigolds (Calendula Officinalis) are a fairly common variety of daisy.
These are some very popular flowers, and one of the primary explanations for why these flowers are still so well-liked by gardeners around the world is that they can thrive even in frigid climes.
From the end of spring until the arrival of the cooler months of the year, these flowers will keep on blooming. This stunning and colorful blossom will add a very vivid splash of brilliant yellow to a vibrant orange to any container, pot, or bed.
There are many varieties available: some are single, while others are double. If you’re interested in attracting butterflies, single variants are preferable due to their aroma and vibrant colors.
In order for marigold to grow to its best capacity, it must be subjected to full sunlight or some shade. Marigold is cold resistant, growing in USDA zones 2 to 11. They are most likely to reach a height with an expanse of one to two feet.
Marigolds prefer to grow on some dirt, chalk, or sandy soil that is able to drain well. The pH can range from somewhat acidic to mildly alkaline.
19. Gerbera Daisies
Gerbera daisies (Gerbera Spp.) are popular in bouquets due to their vivid pastel colors as well as the fact that they are big and showy.
Although they are frequently used as cut flowers, they also look fantastic in flower beds and containers. They are particularly great for patios and gardens in the city.
Among the largest daisies a person can grow, these flowers can measure an amazing 6 inches in width, 2 feet in spread, and 1 foot in height.
Gerbera daisies come in a variety of colors, from white to yellow to vivid red, and each one looks as vibrant and lovely as the others although having a different color.
Gerbera daisies do best in full sun or moderate shade, well-drained loam, chalk, or sandy substrates, and a pH range of somewhat acidic to moderately alkaline. They are typically hardy to USDA zones 9 to 10.
20. Cornflower
Since most people aren’t aware that cornflowers (Centaurea Cyanus) and daisies belong to the same family, it’s little wonder that both flowers’ petals look so similar to one another.
Although its rays are confused since they have numerous pointed petals instead of a single long petal, this flower does indeed belong to the Asteraceae family.
Cornflowers, which are well known for blossoming in cornfields, are also known as ‘bachelor’s buttons’ because of their deep blue hue.
Unfortunately, weed killers have made it difficult to find these stunningly vivid blue flowers in their natural environment.
However, it has gained popularity in gardens worldwide for use in borders and untamed meadows.
In that location, cornflowers flourish from the end of spring to the end of fall and draws a large number of pollinators due to its scent and vibrant coloring.
This drought-tolerant flower needs full sun exposure to develop to its full capacity and is hardy in USDA zones 2 to 11. When completely grown, it will be between one and three feet tall and six and twelve inches wide.
Cornflowers require well-drained soil or sandy ground with a pH range of moderate to slightly alkaline. (6.6 to 7.8).
Final Thoughts
You may be surprised to find out that so many popular flowers are actually related to daisies, including asters, marigolds, and cornflowers. Each of them share the same shaped petals, and each are made up of beautifully vivid colors.
If you’d like to plant some flowers that are similar to daisies in your garden, be sure to make note of the flowers that you prefer in this list.
We hope you found this article helpful.
Happy gardening!
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