12 Best Chino Hills State Park Wildflowers To Spot On Your Next Adventure

Chino Hills State Park is known for its scenic trails, where protected plants and animals can be seen.

12 Best Chino Hills State Park Wildflowers To Spot On Your Next Adventure

You can find many different flowers, but what are the best wildflowers you can spot? Find out about 12 of the best flowers you’ll find when you embark on your next adventure.

1. Arroyo Lupine

Arroyo Lupine is an annual wildflower known for its sweetly fragranced pea-shaped flowers that bloom from winter into spring. Their blossoms are purple-blue, with a touch of white or pink. You’ll find that bees and butterflies alike flock to pollinate them due to their wonderful scent.

They can grow up to 4 feet tall and sometimes 3 feet wide, but the soil quality determines their height. They’re not only native to California but also to Arizona and Baja California.

Due to the climate, they thrive in the conditions of Chino Hills. However, they are toxic to dogs, horses, and humans, so you should ensure you don’t let them eat them on the trails. 

2. Blue Dicks

Blue Dicks are cute wildflowers with an amusing name. They have a dense cluster of blue or purple flowers, which sometimes can be white.

They bloom from early to late spring, and the entire plant usually takes a few weeks to bloom. An interesting fact about Blue Dicks is that they will also produce edible corms once baked by Native American tribes.

These are also eaten by insects and other varieties of mammals, but that’s not the only edible part of them. 

These flowers can grow up to 24 or 30 inches, usually only between 1 and 6 inches wide. They grow more often in climates with more rain in the winter and spring and flourish in a dry summer season.

It’s why they grow so well in most of California and through other states such as Oregon, New Mexico, and Arizona

3. Black Sage 

While Black Sage is a shrub, it is also a well-known sight throughout California, where it is native. It has aromatic foliage, and throughout spring and summer, it grows light-colored flowers that range from white, light blue, or lavender.

This makes them an essential source of pollen for bees, butterflies, and honey bees, and also one of the Pacific Coast’s best honey plants. Their seeds are equally important for birds and are part of an essential diet for quails and other birds.

Usually, it grows up to 3 to 6 feet tall and is often 3 to 10 feet wide. It’s tolerant to drought, which means it does incredibly well in the sunlight and doesn’t need shade. You’ll find it a more common sight throughout California, with even more found in Baja California. 

4. California Golden Violet

The California Golden Violet goes by many names, including the Yellow Pansy. It’s a popular sight in coastal ranges in California, and you can sometimes find it in Chino Hills State Park. Usually, it grows on open grassy slopes and in oak woodlands. 

It grows pretty low but can reach a maximum height of 6 inches tall. They have fragrant petals that appear in March and April and are yellow to yellow-orange, while they also have heart-shaped leaves on their stem. 

5. California Poppy

You can grow California Poppies in your garden, and they are a regular sight throughout Chino Hills. They bloom quickly and are quick to grow.

They’re a low-maintenance plant that only needs cool weather. You’ll find that they have vibrant colors, including red, orange, yellow, pink, white, and cream. When they cannot access the sun, these poppies close their petals and rest.

The California Poppy is native to the United States and Mexico, but you must be careful with them. Depending on where you live, California Poppies can grow like weeds and become invasive to certain habitats. However, in Chino Hills, they are a welcome sight throughout the park. 

6. Catalina Mariposa Lily

Suppose you’re looking for a beautiful white flower. In that case, the perennial Catalina Mariposa Lily is a welcome sight at Chino Hills State Park.

They are a common sight on coastlines and are especially abundant in open grasslands. If you’re traveling around California, you’ll find the Catalina Mariposa Lily is a regular sight as you travel around.

It produces long basal leaves and has a tall stem, with its white leaves usually having a pale pink shade in them. They have a blotch of deep red or purple at the base, giving them a distinct appearance. The petals can form into bowls, sometimes with sparse long hairs. 

7. Coulter’s Matilija Poppy

Coulter’s Matilija Poppy might look like a shrub, but it isn’t one! It has a spectacular selection of large white flowers with a delightful apricot scent.

Each flower measures 9 inches across and has crinkled petals surrounding a ball of golden stamens. This beautiful flower blooms from late spring to early summer, but it will bloom in the late summer if it’s watered.

As a California native, you can find these in Chino Hills State Park. They’re an amazing sight as they grow to 8 feet maximum. They can even appear up to 20 feet away from the original plant, but they can be invasive if they appear in small gardens. 

8. Distant Phacelia

The Distant Phacelia is an annual herb that can grow to curve or coil a selection of bell-shaped flowers. Usually these beautiful light flowers are usually only a centimeter long and usually appear in shades of blue, purple, or white.

They’re known to grow in different grassland habitats, making them a notable sight at Chino Hills.

Generally, you can find Distant Phacelia outside of Chino Hills, where you’ll notice them growing around the southwestern regions of the United States and in areas in northwestern Mexico. 

9. Redstem Stork’s-Bill

You’ll find Redstem Stork’s-Bill around Chino Hills. However, it’s also prevalent in the southwestern parts of the United States. They were introduced to North American soils in the eighteenth century. Since then, they’ve been naturalized in arid grasslands and desert regions.

Redstem Stork’s-Bill has bright pink flowers with dark spots at the bottom of their bases. They’re usually arranged in small clusters as they grow from a reddish stem, from which they get their name.

When looking at them, you might think they look like the Roberts Geranium, but while they may be hairy and sticky, they don’t have the same unpleasant smell. 

10. Sacred Datura

Sacred Datura is a magnificent annual that looks like an upward-facing trumpet. It is pure white, but you may notice a tinge of purple at times.

They bloom from late spring to frost, where their blooms open from the late afternoon until the following day. The Sacred Datura is known to grow up to 4 or 5 feet tall, while their flowers can grow to 8 inches long.

We recommend keeping a distance from the Sacred Datura, as all plants are highly toxic. It’s best not to let your dogs or horses go anywhere near them. If they’re bruised, you’ll find they release an unpleasant odor to protect themselves from harm. 

11. Wild Canterbury Bells

Wild Canterbury Bells are also known as Whitlavia and are a species of Phacelia. Not only is it a cute wildflower, but it is an annual herb too.

These bell-shaped flowers have crinkled petals, which are usually a deep purple or blue color. They also have white anthers on their stamens. They often grow between 20 to 60 centimeters tall and are often coated in stiff hairs. 

These Wild Canterbury Bells are a common sight in Chino Hills State Park, as they are a native of Southern California. They also grow in Baja, California, in the Colorado Desert. 

12. Wishbone Bush

There are different types of Wishbone Bush, with different types found in different areas in California. You’ll find a cluster of pink or purple flowers blooming from the Wishbone Bush from a hairy stem and leaves.

They have protruding stamens with white or yellow anthers. Their petals are often crinkled and sometimes take a bell-shaped form.

When looking for Wishbone Bush, you’ll find that they appear around the southwestern parts of the United States and the northwestern parts of Mexico.


We hope you enjoyed learning more about the different types of wildflowers in Chino Hills State Park. Many different flowers are available for you to find, and there’s so much more! Keep an eye out for all the different wildflowers in Chino Hills. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Yellow Flowers In Chino Hills?

The most commonly found yellow flower in Chino Hills is California’s state flower, the California Poppy, which is usually yellow or orange in color. 

When Is The Best Time To Visit Chino Hills State Park?

You should plan to visit during the weekday, especially during March. 

Can You Pick Flowers In Chino Hills State Park?

You’re not allowed to pick any of the flowers, as they are protected by Chino Hills. However, you can take pictures of the different types of flower you find. 

Diane Peirce
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