12 Tall Growing Succulents To Add Beauty And Charm To Your Space

Are you looking to elevate your home decor with a touch of greenery? Succulents are the perfect way to bring life and vibrancy into any space.

12 Tall Growing Succulents To Add Beauty And Charm To Your Space

Not only are they easy to care for, but they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making it easy to find one that fits your style. 

If you’re looking for something a bit more dramatic, why not consider tall succulents? These towering plants can help add an extra layer of interest to any room and instantly draw the eye.

Whether you have limited space or just want something with some serious height, succulents offer the perfect solution.

From tall cacti-like specimens to elegant trailing varieties, these plants can be both striking and practical too – no green thumb required! Plus, with so many types available, you’re sure to find one (or two!) that fit both your aesthetic and your lifestyle.

What Is A Succulent?

A succulent is a type of plant that is adapted to survive in arid and dry climates. They store water in their leaves, stems and roots, which give them their characteristic shape and texture.

Succulents are popular houseplants and come in many varieties, colors, and shapes. They are easy to care for and require little maintenance.

Succulents can be found in a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes. This is one of the reasons they are so popular. Some succulents may look like tiny cacti, while others may look like small trees.

In addition, they can also come in colors like pink, yellow, purple, and green. 

Succulents also require little water and can thrive in indirect sunlight. This makes them an ideal choice for those who don’t have a lot of gardening experience. Let’s take a look at 12 popular succulent varieties.

1. Euphorbia Milii (Crown Of Thorns)

Euphorbia milii, also known as Crown of Thorns, is an ideal choice for adding dramatic height to any space. This fast-growing succulent can reach up to three feet tall and has a unique star-like shape.

Its vibrant red, yellow and pink thorns add an eye-catching touch to the plant. The leaves are small and light green in color, making it perfect for adding texture to your space without taking up too much room.

The Euphorbia milii was given its name as its thorns were said to be similar to the ones used in the crown of thorns placed on Jesus’s head before the crucifixion.

The plant was introduced to Europe in the early 19th century and was cultivated both outdoors and in greenhouses.

Today, the plant is widely grown as an ornamental plant due to its attractive flowers and its ability to survive in a variety of climates.

This succulent is easy to care for and does well in both direct sunlight or partial shade. It requires minimal watering and should be watered only when the soil is completely dry.

Euphorbia milii thrives in warm climates, but can tolerate colder temperatures if given proper protection from frost or snow. With the right care, this beautiful plant will last for years and bring a unique look to any garden or indoor space.

2. Adenium Obesum (Desert Rose)

Adenium obesum, or the Desert Rose, is an amazing succulent that can add height and drama to your garden.

It’s a tall-growing succulent that can reach up to 10 feet (ca. 3 m) in height! Its unique shape and beautiful blooms make it an eye-catching addition to any space.

The Adenium Obesum has been known to humans since ancient times, and was first cultivated in Egypt.

The plant was also popularized in China during the Tang dynasty, and is still a popular ornamental plant in many parts of the world today.

Its unique shape and remarkable drought resistance make it ideal for growing in arid climates. The plant produces a beautiful and unique flower, making it a popular choice for gardens, greenhouses, and even indoors.

The Desert Rose is a hardy plant native to Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It has gray-green leaves and colorful flowers that come in shades of pink, white, and red.

This succulent loves full sun, so it’s perfect for outdoor gardens with plenty of direct sunlight. When grown indoors, however, it prefers bright light but not direct sunlight.

It’s easy to care for this drought-tolerant succulent: water only when the soil is dry to the touch; fertilize once or twice per year; and prune regularly for bushier growth.

With regular care, you can enjoy its dramatic beauty for years to come!

3. Fouquieria Splendens (Ocotillo)

This tall growing succulent is the Fouquieria splendens or Ocotillo. This striking succulent looks like a spiny tree with long branches that reach up to 10–20 feet in height.

Ocotillo is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States and blooms bright red flowers in the spring.

The Fouquieria splendens has been used as a traditional source of food and medicine by local indigenous peoples for centuries, and was an important part of the ecology of the desert before the arrival of Europeans.

Ocotillo has also been used in recent years as an ornamental plant and for erosion control on desert slopes. Its spiky, red-tipped branches make it a particularly striking feature in the landscape.

This plant is perfect for adding dramatic height to your garden or patio space without too much hard work. Here’s why:

  1. Easy to care for: The Ocotillo is drought tolerant, thriving in dry conditions and only needing occasional watering.
  2. Attractive foliage: This succulent has narrow, pointy green leaves that stand out against its long stems.
  3. Versatile growth habit: The Ocotillo can be pruned easily into different shapes or sizes, making it an ideal choice for topiary designs or potted plants.
  4. Showy flowers: The bright red flowers of this plant add vibrant color to any landscape!

No matter what kind of look you want to achieve in your outdoor space, the Fouquieria splendens offers a unique way to add dramatic height and texture without too much fuss.

It’s an easy-to-care-for plant that requires minimal maintenance yet makes a big statement!

4. Euphorbia Tirucalli (Sticks On Fire)

Euphorbia tirucalli, commonly known as Sticks on Fire, is an upright succulent with dramatic height. Its thick, red-orange stems reach up to 10 feet (ca. 3 m) in height and can be pruned into a tree shape or allowed to grow naturally.

The leaves are small and triangular and may drop off in dry weather. When it blooms, Sticks on Fire produces a cluster of yellow flowers at the top of its stems.

The Euphorbia tirucalli has been used for centuries in traditional medicinal practices due to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties.

In modern times, it is widely used as an ornamental plant due to its drought-tolerance and attractive foliage. The plant has also been used to make dyes and as a source of firewood.

It is a popular houseplant in Europe, the United States, and Australia.

Sticks on Fire requires little upkeep and will tolerate full sun or partial shade. It prefers well-drained soils with occasional watering during dry periods.

Propagating this tall growing succulent is easy; cuttings can be rooted directly in soil or planted in water until established. For best results, it should be fertilized once a year using a balanced fertilizer.

Sticks on Fire is an excellent choice for adding dramatic height to your space. Its vibrant colors and bold silhouette make it an eye-catching addition to any landscape setting.

Whether you choose to prune it into a tree shape or allow it to grow naturally, this striking succulent will bring drama and beauty to your outdoor living area.

5. Agave Americana (Century Plant)

In stark contrast to the vibrant red-orange of Euphorbia tirucalli (Sticks on Fire), Agave Americana (Century Plant) is a tall growing succulent that adds height and drama to your space in a subtle understated way.

Its sword-like foliage of blue-green leaves forms a rosette shape at the top of its tall stem. This plant can reach heights of up to 3–6 feet, making it an ideal choice for adding height and visual interest to your garden or outdoor living space.

Agave Americana requires very little maintenance, which makes it perfect for busy gardeners who don’t have time to devote to frequent upkeep. It prefers full sun, but can tolerate some shade as well.

During the summer months, be sure to water periodically as the soil begins to dry out. In the winter months, reduce watering significantly and let the soil dry out completely between watering sessions.

This majestic succulent is a great addition to any space that needs extra interest and height.

Its unique blue-green foliage provides an eye-catching contrast against other plants in your garden or outdoor living areas, while also requiring minimal maintenance from you.

Agave Americana is a stunning choice when looking for tall growing succulents.

6. Yucca Elata (Soaptree Yucca)

The Yucca elata, more commonly known as the Soaptree Yucca, is a plant that can really help add dramatic height to your space. With its slim and tall stature, it stands out in any garden or interior decor.

It features long paddle-shaped leaves with sharp tips that are arranged in a rosette pattern at the top of its stem. The flowers of this yucca are creamy white and bell-shaped, which bloom during spring and summer.

This evergreen succulent is native to parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona and can grow up to 12 feet (3.66 m) tall! It grows best in full sun, but can also tolerate partial shade.

Since it’s a drought-tolerant plant, it doesn’t need much water, so make sure not to over-water it when caring for it. However, it does need well-draining soil to avoid root rot.

This plant is hardy enough to survive through some extreme temperatures ranging from -10°F to 90°F.

With its vibrant foliage and towering structure, the Soaptree Yucca will be a showstopper in your yard or home! Plus, since this plant requires minimal maintenance, you don’t have to worry about too much upkeep.

If you’re looking for a tall growing succulent that adds drama without too much effort on your part, then look no further than the Soaptree Yucca!

7. Crassula Ovata (Jade Yucca)

Continuing with our exploration of tall succulents, let’s take a look at Crassula Ovata, commonly known as the Jade Yucca. This evergreen perennial is native to South Africa and Mozambique and boasts vibrant green leaves.

It’s an excellent choice for adding visual height to any space, and its hardy nature makes it easy to maintain.

Crassula Ovata grows up to 4 feet (1.22 m) tall when mature, making it an ideal choice for creating dramatic heights in your garden or landscape design.

Its thick leaves are oval-shaped and can reach up to 5 inches (ca. 13 cm) long. The leaves are usually light green or yellowish-green in color, but they can also be variegated in some varieties.

The Jade Yucca is a very low-maintenance plant that requires little more than occasional watering and occasional pruning of its lower branches if needed.

It is also fairly drought-tolerant once established, making it a great option for areas with dry climates or limited water availability. Its attractive foliage also makes it a popular choice for ornamental gardens and container displays.

Overall, Crassula Ovata is an ideal option for adding height to your space without requiring too much effort. Its unique shape, vibrant colors, and hardy nature make it an excellent addition to any garden or landscape design.

8. Aloidendron Barberae, Formerly Aloe Bainesii (Tree Aloe)

The Aloidendron barberae, formerly Aloe bainesii (Tree Aloe) is a tall-growing succulent that can add interest and height to any space. It has an incredible stature that can reach heights of up to 30 feet, and its trunk can become up to two feet in diameter.

This tree aloe is native to the drier areas of South Africa, but it does well in most climates with little care. Here are four reasons why you should consider adding this beautiful plant to your space:

  1. It’s hardy and easy to care for. The Tree Aloe is a very hardy plant and requires minimal effort when it comes to maintenance and care. All it needs is plenty of sunlight, occasional watering during the dry months, and regular pruning to remove dead leaves and branches.
  2. It adds interest. This large succulent has an impressive silhouette, which makes it stand out from other plants in the garden or landscape. Its gray-green leaves are arranged in a rosette pattern on top of its trunk, providing interesting texture and contrast against other foliage.
  3. It’s versatile. The Tree Aloe looks great as a specimen plant in the garden, but can also be used as a living fence or privacy screen if planted in rows along a property line or boundary wall. It also works well as an accent piece for larger spaces such as shopping centers or office buildings, where its size helps draw attention from passersby.
  4. It provides shade. With its wide canopy, this succulent offers plenty of shade, which makes it ideal for outdoor seating areas or patios where people can relax away from direct sunlight while enjoying the beauty of nature around them.

This remarkable succulent has all these features that make it an excellent choice for any space that needs some extra height, shade, and interest. It’s certain to be a focal point wherever it goes!

9. Ferocactus Wislizeni (Fishhook Barrel Cactus)

Ferocactus wislizeni is a barrel cactus native to Mexico. It is a striking and dramatic succulent that grows up to 6 feet (1.83 m) tall.

The cylindrical stems have bright yellow spines that curl around them in the shape of a fishhook, hence its common name. Its flowers are red when it blooms in late spring and have an almost velvety texture.

Ferocactus wislizeni is drought tolerant and can survive long periods without water, making it a great choice for dry climates or people who don’t want to worry about regular watering.

It prefers full sun and well-drained soil, but can tolerate some shade if necessary. Because of its height, it’s best planted at the back of gardens or near fences or walls, where it won’t block other plants.

The Fishhook Barrel Cactus adds an interesting vertical element to your garden and provides unique textural contrast with other succulents due to its spiny exterior.

Its vivid yellow spines make it stand out even more dramatically against surrounding plants, adding an eye-catching feature to any landscape.

10. Sansevieria Spp (Snake Plant)

If you’re looking for a plant that will add some dramatic height to your space, look no further than Sansevieria spp. This tall-growing succulent is often referred to as the Snake Plant, due to its long, winding leaves.

It’s a great choice for both indoor and outdoor spaces, requiring minimal maintenance and water.

A snake plant can grow up to 12 feet (3.66 m) long. Its towering leaves stand out from the crowd with their vibrant green color and unique patterning.

As it grows upwards towards the sky, it creates an eye-catching focal point in any room or outdoor area. Plus, its air-purifying qualities make it even more desirable!

The Snake Plant can be grown in a variety of soil types, but prefers well-draining soil. It’s also tolerant of low light conditions, making it an ideal choice for those who don’t have access to natural sunlight.

If you’re looking for a dramatic way to add height to your space without having to worry about too much maintenance or water requirements, then this is definitely the plant for you!

11. Portulacaria Afra (Elephant Bush)

Continuing our discussion of dramatic tall succulents, let’s take a closer look at Portulacaria afra, commonly known as Elephant Bush.

This distinctive looking succulent has thick, fleshy leaves and sturdy stems that are covered in small spines. It grows quickly, and can easily reach heights of four to five feet in the right conditions.

Portulacaria afra is native to South Africa, but it’s become popular around the world due to its low maintenance requirements and unique appearance.

This plant prefers well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight, so be sure to give your Elephant Bush enough room to grow in a sunny spot. It’s also fairly drought tolerant, so you won’t need to water it too often.

When given enough light and space, Portulacaria afra can add an impressive vertical element to any garden or indoor space. It’s an excellent choice if you’re looking for a beautiful yet easy-care tall succulent!

12. Adansonia Spp. Especially Adansonia Grandidier (Baobab)

A dramatic way to add height to any garden, patio, or balcony is with the regal baobab tree. These striking trees can reach heights of up to 25 meters and can live for thousands of years!

Native to many African countries, these trees are a sight to behold. Here are four reasons why you should consider adding a baobab tree to your garden:

  1. They are easy to care for – requiring minimal water, they adapt easily and quickly to their new environment.
  2. They have a fascinating history – with some trees being hundreds, if not thousands of years old, they speak of time and culture gone by.
  3. They provide year-round interest – with their unique shape and textured bark, they make an interesting feature even when not in flower or fruit.
  4. They attract wildlife – birds and other animals love them as much as you will!

Baobab trees may take some time to establish, but will be well worth the wait for the majestic presence they bring!

Where To Purchase Succulents

Succulents can be found in a variety of places, both online and in bricks and mortar stores. Garden centers, nurseries, and home improvement stores are all great places to find succulents for your garden or indoor space.

When shopping locally, it’s important to select healthy plants that look sturdy and vibrant. Look for plants with healthy leaves and roots, and inspect for any signs of pests or disease.

Online stores are a great alternative for purchasing succulents if you’re unable to find what you’re looking for in local stores.

There are a variety of online succulent stores that offer a wide range of varieties, from traditional succulents to rare and exotic species. 

When purchasing online, make sure to read reviews and descriptions carefully to ensure you get a healthy plant that fits your growing needs.

Most online stores also provide helpful care instructions to help you get the most out of your plants.

How To Take Care Of Succulent Plants

Taking care of succulent plants is relatively easy, as they require very little maintenance. Succulents should be planted in a well-draining soil mix, and it is important to remember that they require more drainage than other types of plants.

They should be watered regularly, however, the amount of water should be monitored; too much water can cause root rot and kill the plant.

It is generally recommended to water succulents once every week or two, but the amount of water should be tailored to the particular species. In addition, succulents should be placed in a sunny location and given enough sunlight to thrive.

It is also essential to remember that succulents should be pruned regularly in order to prevent them from becoming overgrown. Pruning can help to keep the succulent looking healthy, and it can also encourage new growth.

In addition, dead leaves should be removed from the plant in order to keep it looking healthy. 

Finally, fertilizing is not necessary for succulents, however, if fertilizing is desired it should be done sparingly. Following these tips can help ensure that your succulent plants stay healthy and thrive for years to come.

How To Organize Succulent Plants In The Garden Or Indoors To Create Height

When organizing succulent plants in the garden or indoors, it is important to think about how to create height. To do so, consider the types of succulents you have and the space you have available.

Using different sizes and shapes of containers can help to add depth and interest to the display. 

Planting taller succulents in the back of the display will create an eye-catching backdrop, while shorter succulents in front can be used to create depth.

If you are adding succulents to an existing garden, consider planting taller varieties at the back and shorter ones in the front.

When organizing succulent plants indoors, consider the size and shape of the containers and the amount of light available. Taller containers can be used to create height, or you can use multiple containers of different sizes and shapes.

Consider the amount of light available in your space and choose succulents that will thrive in that particular environment. When grouping succulents together, use a variety of colors, textures, and shapes to create a visually interesting display.

Make sure to keep an eye on the amount of water and sunlight each succulent receives to ensure it stays healthy and vibrant.

Benefits Of Growing Succulents In Your Home

They Purify Your Air and Help You Breathe Better

If you’re looking for a way to purify the air in your home, succulents are a great option! Succulents are known for their air-purifying capabilities, making them natural air filters that can help you and your family breathe better.

They Increase Your Focus

Succulents bring life and vibrancy to any room while helping you focus on whatever task lies ahead. Studies have shown that having plants in your workspace can help improve concentration, reduce stress levels, and increase productivity.

They Are Mood Boosters

One of the best things about having tall growing succulents in your space is that they can help boost your mood. Studies have shown that surrounding yourself with plants and nature helps to reduce stress and improve overall happiness.

They Help Increase Pain Tolerance

Pain is a reality for many of us, and reducing it can be difficult. But studies have shown that having plants in your space can actually help increase pain tolerance and reduce the need for medication.

Succulents are a great choice when selecting plants to help with this because of their beauty, variety, and ease of care. 


Tall growing succulents are a great way to add dramatic height and texture to your space. They come in many shapes, sizes and colors, so you can find the perfect plant for your home.

They require minimal care and are resilient enough to handle both hot and cold temperatures. With their striking beauty, tall succulents can help create a beautiful outdoor area or indoor living space.

Diane Peirce
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