Indiana is a beautiful state, especially when you consider all the wonderful wildflowers that are native there.

The temperature there generally varies between 21 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit, with warm, humid summers, freezing snowy winters, mild falls, and cool and rainy springs.
And the consequences of this climate is a great range of pretty wildflowers that are just one thing to look out for whenever you’re visiting the state.
In this article, we’re going to present to you the 45 most common types of native wildflowers you can enjoy whenever you’re in Indiana.
And without further ado, let’s get straight to it!
1. Achillea Millefolium, Common Yarrow
The common yarrow is also known by several other names, including soldier’s woundwort, devil’s nettle, thousand seal, and old man’s pepper.
This herb has chemicals that increase stomach acid levels, and as such it is often used to treat digestive issues including irritable bowel syndrome, stomach pain, bloating and constipation.
It also has wound healing ability, because it facilitates the coagulation of blood, which helps to close up wounds.
2. Acorus Calamus, Sweet Flag
Sweet flag, also known as muscat root, bitterroot, singer’s root, and forager’s spice, is a tall plant which is often used for its scent and for medicinal properties.
It has psychoactive properties which makes users feel chilled out and relaxed, but at the same time also focused and alert.
It is also used to treat a range of gastrointestinal problems, and can also be used to moisturize the skin.
3. Actaea Pachypoda, White Baneberry
White baneberry, also known as doll’s eyes, is a self-seeding perennial that grows best in cool and moist conditions.
But the most important thing to note about white baneberry is that it is toxic, and the berries are particularly poisonous. They can even cause respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest if consumed in high quantities. And hallucinations too.
4. Aquilegia Canadensis, Eastern Red Columbine
This branching perennial can reach up to 3 feet tall, and is well known for its nodding showy flowers in red and yellow, with petals lifted upward and yellow stamens in the center.
It blooms best in part shade, but can tolerate full sun to full shade, and varied soils, including sandy, rocky and fertile soils.
5. Arisaema Triphyllum, Jack-In-The-Pulpit
Jack-in-the-Pulpit is a largely carefree plant provided that it has adequate shade, water supply and nutrients.
Interestingly, it can be used as both a food and a poison, and it has also been used to make a red dye, and the starch has been used to stiffen clothes.
Jack-in-the-pulpit poisoning can bring about blisters in the mouth, burning in the mouth and throat, and more.
6. Aruncus Dioicus, Goat’s Beard
Aruncus dioicus, also known as goat’s beard, or bride’s feathers, is a showy plant that can grow up to a staggering 6 feet tall, with feathery clusters of tiny cream-colored flowers.
It tends to inhabit ‘edge’ habitats, such as rocky ledges, streambanks, moist ravines, and forest openings. It grows best in partial shade and moist, rich soil.
7. Asarum Canadense, Wild Ginger
Asarum canadense, also known as wild ginger, or snakeroot, is a herbaceous, perennial plant, with large, glossy, heart-shaped leaves.
It is a relatively rare perennial plant from a species that is under threat. Its long rhizomes were used by Native Americans as a seasoning, which is not unlike true ginger. It has also been used as a medicinal herb for a wide range of ailments.
8. Asclepias Tuberosa, Butterfly Weed
Asclepias tuberosa is commonly referred to as butterfly weed (This wildflower is also present in Missouri. Find out more about it.) because of the butterflies that are attracted to the plant by its color and its ample production of nectar.
You can make a poultice from the pulverized roots that can be used to treat a range of ailments including ulcers, wounds, cuts, bruises, swellings, arthritis, eczema, and more.
9. Asclepias Syriaca, Common Milkweed
Asclepias syriaca, is also known as common milkweed, butterfly flower, and silkweed.
There are several parts of it that are safe to eat, and it tastes like green beans with a hint of peach. But it’s most commonly used for butterfly gardening, to attract butterflies, since the leaves are an excellent food source for monarch butterfly larvae and certain other milkweed butterflies.
10. Symphyotrichum Novae-Angliae, New England Aster
The Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, commonly known as the New England aster, or the hairy Michaelmas-daisy, is a perennial that can grow up to 6 or more feet with showy, bright, rose-purple flowers complete with orange-yellow centers.
Once in bloom, it’s an excellent attractant to butterflies and other pollinators. And it has a range of medicinal properties, including pain relief, wound healing, and attenuating fever.
11. Baptisia Lactea, White False Indigo
Baptisia alba, commonly called white wild indigo or white false indigo, is a five-foot flowering, herbaceous perennial plant, featuring columns of white blooms arising from a base of gray-blue foliage on strong forked stems.
It attracts butterflies and bumblebees, but it can be fatal to cows that ingest the plant. It isn’t quite as toxic for humans, but it can cause irritation.
12. Caltha Palustris, Marsh-Marigold
Caltha palustris, also known as marsh-marigold and kingcup, is a small perennial plant that’s part of the buttercup family.
It can be poisonous to both livestock and humans, inducing convulsions and lesions if digested. But despite this, many people use it for medicinal purposes, including pain relief, cramps, bronchitis, jaundice, fluid retention, low blood sugar, and high cholesterol.
13. Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Blue Cohosh (Barberry)
The blue cohosh, also known as barberry, goldenseal, and oregon grape root, latin name Caulophyllum thalictroides, is a medium high perennial with blue berry-like fruits and blue-green foliage.
Its berries have a taste that’s both sweet and bitter, and it can be poisonous. That said, it also has a great deal of medical benefits, including use in stimulating the uterus to start labor, stopping muscle spasms, epilepsy, and hiccups, and starting menstruation.
14. Chelone Glabra, White Turtlehead
The Chelone glabra gets its common name, white turtlehead from the appearance of its flower petals, which are reminiscent of a turtle’s head poking out of its shell.
It attracts pollinators and it has some nice medicinal properties. It can be used as a gentle laxative and to expel worms, and also as a tonic for treating the likes of jaundice, fever, and malaria.
15. Cimicifuga Racemosa, Black Snakeroot
The Actaea racemosa is known by many names, the black cohosh, black bugbane, black snakeroot, rattle-top, and fairy candle.
It’s an excellent herb for treating menopausal symptoms, including pain, fatigue, anxiety, mood, hot flashes, night sweats and more. But unfortunately it can also cause some mild side effects, such as stomach upset, headache, rash, and liver damage.
16. Dicentra Cucullaria, Dutchman’s Breeches
The Dicentra cucullaria, commonly referred to as Dutchman’s breeches, is a native perennial wildflower, easily recognizable by its dangling white flowers shaped like old-fashioned knee breeches, like white pantaloons hanging on a line.
It blooms in the spring and attracts pollinators such as bumblebees. But, it’s poisonous to cats, cattle, and humans and has even been found to cause convulsions.
17. Primula Meadia, Eastern Shooting Star
Primula meadia, also known as shooting star, eastern shooting star, American cowslip, roosterheads, or prairie pointer, is a species of flowering plant with a wide natural habitat, found in both forests and prairies alike.
It has nodding flowers which are typically white but can also be pink, lavender, or magenta. The pollen is often shaken from the flowers by wind or bees.
18. Eupatorium Fistulosum, Joe-Pye Weed
Eutrochium fistulosum, which is often referred to as hollow Joe-Pye weed, trumpetweed, or purple thoroughwort, is a perennial flowering plant that can grow up to 7 feet tall. It has lance-shaped leaves, and a large domed flower head that bears lots of tiny pinkish-lavender florets.
They attract skippers, moths and bees, and their nectar is especially favored by butterflies.
19. Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Boneset
The common boneset grows up to 6 feet tall with fuzzy clusters of tiny white flowers at the top.
You can use the dried leaves and flower tops of the plant to make a tea that can be used to treat the likes of colds, fevers, and flu.
Boneset can also be used to treat bronchitis, constipation, joint pain, fluid retention and more.
20. Euphorbia Corollata, Flowering Spurge
The Euphorbia corollata may be a very pretty perennial plant, but be warned, it’s a poisonous plant with a milky sap that not only causes irritation upon contact with the skin, but can also lead to severe internal poisoning if consumed in large doses.
Despite this, however, it does have some medicinal uses. It can be used in an ointment for sores, or in the treatment of urinary tract diseases, and even in the treatment of cancer.
21. Filipendula Rubra, Queen-Of-The-Prairie
The Filipendula rubra, also known as queen-of-the-prairie, is a rare, native perennial that requires little maintenance. They need no fertilization, little watering, and they can even survive droughts.
It can grow up to 5 feet tall and features bright pink, cotton candy blooms. It blooms best in the sun, in the height of summer, while its seeds ripen shortly afterward. It’s a good food source for pollinators.
It has a number of medicinal uses, including as an astringent for use in the treatment of bleeding, dysentery, and also in heart complaints as well.
22. Geranium Maculatum, Wild Geranium
The Geranium maculatum, is also known as the wild geranium, spotted geranium, or wood geranium. It is a perennial plant that’s often found in woods and thickets and has showy five-petaled flowers. It’s great for attracting bees and butterflies.
It’s an edible plant that tastes like parsley. In fact, scented geraniums have been used in cakes, jams, and teas for centuries.
23. Hypericum, Goatweed
Hypericum perforatum, is more commonly known as St. John’s wort or goatweed. It has bright yellow 5-petalled flowers.
Its most well-known benefits are its psychological benefits, in particular in the treatment of depression, but also in the treatment of ADHD, OCD, menopausal symptoms, and more besides.
And that’s not all – it also has antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.
24. Iris Cristata, Crested Iris
The crested iris has blue-violet flowers with a white patch and orange or yellow crest and clusters of narrow, pointed leaves. It is a perennial plant and a dwarf iris that only grows up to 7 inches high.
It blooms in the spring and performs best when it gets partial shade. It spreads quickly and has long, rope-like roots.
25 Iris Pseudacorus, Yellow Iris
This beautiful plant is a perennial that features bright, eye-catching yellow flowers. It was originally imported to North America in the late 1700s, but now it is considered a native wildflower.
They like wet or damp soil, and while they prefer plenty of sun, a little shade is ok, too. It’s particularly popular as a water garden plant.
26. Helianthus Tuberosus, Jerusalem Artichoke
Helianthus tuberosus, also referred to as Jerusalem artichoke, also called sunroot, sunchoke, wild sunflower, topinambur, or earth apple, is a large yellow sunflower, which is often used as a root vegetable.
Its tubers are edible, with a similar texture to water chestnuts, and they have a nutty flavor. They can be roasted, boiled, mashed, or even eaten raw.
27. Liatris Spicata, Prairie Gay Feather
Liatris spicata, also known as the dense blazing star or prairie feather, is a perennial flowering plant that grows in moist prairies.
It blooms best in full sun, but it can tolerate some light shade. It blooms during mid-summer for up to a total of 6 weeks, and it will attract a great deal of bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
28. Lobelia Siphilitica, Great Blue Lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica, commonly referred to as the great blue lobelia, great lobelia, or blue cardinal flower, is a perennial plant species that features a flower spike covered in deep blue flowers.
It has notable medicinal properties, you can make a poultice with root and apply it to sores to help heal them, and it has analgesic properties as well.
29. Lysimachia Nummularia, Moneywort
Lysimachia nummularia is a pretty species of flowering plant that is known by several names including moneywort, creeping jenny, herb twopence and twopenny grass.
It is a relatively tough plant that is able to retain its bright golden color all through the winter. It grows best in partial to full shade.
It can be used to treat eczema, kill bacteria, and as an astringent.
30. Lysimachia Punctata, Large Yellow Loosestrife
Lysimachia punctata, is also known as the dotted loosestrife, large yellow loosestrife, circle flower, or spotted loosestrife. It blooms best in full or partial sun and in moist soil.
Its medicinal benefits arise from its ability to help with bleeding and restraining profuse hemorrhages. And it can also be used as a mouthwash for treating sore gums and mouth ulcers.
31. Mertensia Virginica, Virginia Bluebells
Virginia bluebells are springtime wildflowers, which means that they grow and bloom in the mid-spring before going dormant by early summer. Their flower color varies from blue, to purple, to pink, and they have a lovely sweet fragrance.
In their preferred growing conditions, they can become aggressive. Native Americans once used it in the treatment of whooping cough and tuberculosis, and as an antidote for poisons.
32. Monarda Didyma, Crimson Beebalm
Monarda didyma is an aromatic herb known by several names, including crimson beebalm, scarlet beebalm, scarlet monarda, Eau-de-Cologne plant, and bergamot.
It has antiseptic and anti-microbial properties, and is used to treat stings, insect bites, and wounds. It can also be used to soothe indigestion, nausea, and menstrual cramps, and relieve respiratory ailments such as colds and flu.
33. Phlox Divaricata, Wild Blue Phlox
Also known as wild blue phlox, woodland phlox, or wild sweet william, Phlox divaricata is a species native to forests and fields in Indiana and elsewhere.
If you were to plant it in the spring, you will get fragrant flowers blooming in April and May. Its medicinal uses include the treatment of eczema, venereal diseases, and as an eyewash or as a blood purifier.
34. Polemonium Reptans, Jacob’s Ladder
Polemonium reptans is a perennial plant that is known by many names including creeping Jacob’s ladder, false Jacob’s ladder, American Greek valerian, stairway to heaven, and sweatroot.
It’s a beautiful wildflower with bell-shaped flowers in shades of light blue to purple, arranged in clusters. It grows in the shade and will bloom for several weeks between April and May.
35. Biflorum, Solomon’s Seal
Polygonatum biflorum is commonly known as Solomon’s seal due to the scars on the rhizome that are reminiscent of the ancient Hebrew seal of King Soloman.
It has edible parts, and it can be used in medicinal remedies. For example, it can be used to reduce swelling, as an astringent, and also applied directly to the skin to treat bruises, ulcers, redness, and more.
36. Rudbeckia Hirta, Black-Eyed Susan
Black-Eyed-Susans are so named due to their wide, daisy-like flowers with very dark centers.
When the flower petals are ground up, they can be used to make a soup or tea, and used to treat cardiovascular problems, and as a wash they can be used to treat an array of different ailments including snakebites, burns, and open wounds.
37. Rudbeckia Triloba, Brown-Eyed Susan
The brown-eyed susan has numerous, yellow, daisy-like flowers and can grow up to 5 feet tall. It’s not suitable for human consumption, but the pollinators love it.
Native Americans once used an infusion made with the roots to treat edema. And there is also the suggestion that it could be used to alleviate asthma, and reduce the size of cancerous tumors.
38. Sanguinaria Canadensis, Bloodroot
Bloodroot is a member of the poppy family that blooms in the spring and opens in full sun, and closes at night.
It does have some medicinal properties, for example in the treatment of inflammation and to inhibit growth of new blood vessels. But it can be poisonous in large doses.
39. Sedum Ternatum, Woodland Stonecrop
Woodland stonecrop, Latin name Sedum ternatum, is the most widespread native wildflower in eastern North America.
It typically blooms in April and May and has pretty white flowers. The leaves are edible, and they have a mild peppery flavor, that make it a flavorful addition to salads and such.
40. Stylophorum Diphyllum, Woods-Poppy
The Stylophorum diphyllum, is commonly referred to as the celandine poppy or wood poppy, and is frequently found in moist forests.
Native Americans used to use it to make a herbal medicine for the treatment of stomach, liver, and gallbladder problems. And it has also been used to treat ulcers, eczema, colic, jaundice, and eye diseases.
41. Tiarella Cordifolia, Heartleaf Foamflower
The heartleaf foamflower may be most distinguishable for its appearance, but it’s also well known for its medical properties. The roots and leaves can be used to make an infusion to relieve sore eyes. Or the roots can be smashed to make a poultice to apply to wounds.
42. Trillium, Trillium
Trillium, also known as wakerobin, toadshade, tri flower, birthroot, birthwort, and wood lily, can exist in an array of different colors. It has traditionally been used as a uterine stimulant. There are more than three dozen Trillium species in North America.
43. Vernonia Noveboracensis, New York Ironweed
Despite its nickname as the New York Ironweed, I can assure you that the Vernonia noveboracensis is also a native wildflower of Indiana.
Native Americans used to use it for treating women’s ailments and even relief from the pain of childbirth.
44. Viola Papilionacea, Blue Violet
The Viola sororia, is also known as viola papilionacea, common meadow violet, purple violet, woolly blue violet, hooded violet, and wood violet. The flowers have 5 petals in varying shades of blue. Both the leaves and the flowers are edible, and they contain a great deal of vitamin C.
45. Xanthorhiza Simplicissima, Yellowroot
Last but not least, we have yellowroot, a shrub with attractive colored foliage and leaves that often persist to winter. It has small, star-shaped flowers in clusters, and it also bears fruit.
Wrap Up
I hope that you’ve enjoyed browsing through. As you can see, the state of Indiana is home to a great many beautiful wildflowers that would make for a beautiful bouquet or window basket, or to simply beautify your garden.
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