9 Stunning Small Blue Flowers That Bloom In Early Spring That You Need To See

Do you want to add some small blue flowers that bloom in early spring to your garden? Maybe you are looking to add color at the start of spring but aren’t sure what flowers to choose?

Or are you curious and want to know more? No matter the reason that brought you here, we have the answer for you!

9 Stunning Small Blue Flowers That Bloom In Early Spring That You Need To See

Finding small blue flowers that bloom in early spring can be tricky, especially if this is the first time you are thinking about planting flowers to bloom in early spring.

You head online for some guidance but are met with page after page of conflicting and contradicting information. Frustrated and disappointed, you are left unsure where to turn or who to trust. How will you know what flowers to plant now?

Well, you can turn to us for all the answers that you need! Keep reading to see 9 stunning small blue flowers that bloom in early spring. We have plenty for you to check out and lots of handy info about them to help you become a flower expert today. 

Let’s not waste any more time and kick off our list now! 

1. Liverwort (Hepatica Nobilis)

First up, we have Liverwort, a beautiful small blue flower. Blooming from early to mid-spring, this small flower has stunning blue petals with a white and yellow center. They are one of the first wildflowers to bloom in early spring and are super easy to grow!

The flowers can also be found in white, pink, or lavender and are surrounded by evergreen leaves. We think you will love the delicate scent that comes from these flowers, it is the quintessential smell of spring. 

These flowers grow best in partial shade or full sun in hardiness zones four to nine. The flowers don’t fully open on a rainy day, but even when they are half opened, they are a stunning addition to any garden! 

The flowers won’t grow higher than six inches, with a width between six and nine inches, making them the perfect small blue flower to have in your garden! 

2. Striped Squill (Puschkinia Libanotica) 

Next up, we have the beautiful Striped squill. Growing in hardiness zones three to eight, this flower will bloom from late winter to early spring, and is likely to be the first bulb in your garden that blooms! 

The Striped squill is part of the asparagus family and mixes well with other bulbs that flower in the spring, so you don’t need to worry too much about where you plant it.

When planting, you will want to leave six inches between each bulb, planting them in a hole two to three inches deep. 

The flower blooms are either white with blue stripes or completely blue. The small flowers have a lovely scent and look stunning in rock gardens! It is also deer tolerant, so you don’t need to worry about your beautiful blooms disappearing! 

3. Grecian Windflower (Anemone Blanda Blue) 

These beautiful blue flowers bloom in the early spring and can be blue, white, pink, or bicolor! They are a wonderful addition to any garden in hardiness zones four to ten.

Grecian Windflowers are beautiful daisy-like blooms that grow from the hard and lumpy tuber. As the blooms open, they hide the fern-like foliage, leaving you with beautiful flowers to brighten your garden. 

These are best planted in rich, moist, and well-drained soil at the front of a border so everyone can appreciate these small and dainty blooms. You can expect them to grow up to six inches tall with a width of four to six inches.

They do well in partial shade and full sun and naturalize by expanding every year. Until the plant goes dormant, it can be used as ground cover too! 

4. Glory Of The Snow (Chionodoxa) 

Glory of the Snow is one of the earliest blooming flowers, poking its head through the snow and adding beautiful blue blooms to your garden! The small blooms grow one to two inches wide, with a top height of ten inches.

The cluster flowers will add plenty of brightness to your garden and are perfect for those after an easy-to-grow plant!

The bulbs need well-draining soil and can be planted in bunches of five or seven. They grow well under shrubs or trees and bloom before green leaves appear!

They are perfect for gardens in hardiness zones three to nine and can even grow around walnut trees! Plus, you are sure to love how beautiful they look! 

5. Hyacinth (Hyacinthus Orientalis)

Hyacinths come in many colors, but our favorite variety is blue! You can also get them in white, yellow, and pink, why not plant a mixture and have a sea of color in your garden?

These flowers will bloom in early spring, with lots of small flowers blossoming on each stem. It’s the perfect plant to get lots of blooms covering one small area. 

They are best planted at the front of perennial borders or near paths. Where possible, plant a few together to create a full effect, this always looks better than one rogue hyacinth!

If you leave the foliage to die back naturally, you can get blooms year after year, but it’s worth noting that the blooms next year will be smaller. 

These beautiful blooms can reach a height of fourteen inches and grow six to eight inches wide, allowing you to fill your garden with delicate and stunning blue flowers. 

6. Reticulated Iris (Iris Reticulata) 

Growing in hardiness zones three to nine, these beautiful blooms should be in every garden! The thin green stems produce their blooms in early spring, with the flowers emerging bright cobalt blue with a distinct white and yellow center.

You can use their center markings to identify an iris with ease. 

These flowers can reach a height of four inches and a width of three inches, making them the perfect small blue flower to add to your garden.

They are best planted in groups where you can enjoy a cluster of beautiful blooms. And you don’t need to worry too much about these flowers as they are deer and drought-tolerant! 

Give them some partial shade and well-drained soil for your Reticulated Iris’ to grow and brighten up your garden! Plus, they smell divine! 

7. Starflower (Ipheion Uniflorum) 

Getting its name from its beautiful star-shaped blooms, Starflower is another small beautiful flower that blooms early spring. You can spot them easily thanks to their shape, but also their color. They are pale blue with a dark blue stripe down the center of each petal. 

Growing in hardiness zones five to nine, they bloom in early spring, filling your garden with a sweet scent. The flowers are surrounded by deep green and slender foliage that smells like onions when crushed. 

You can remove the seed heads from the plant to prevent it from self-seeding too. If you don’t, you might find that you have more Starflowers than you bargained for! The flower is also rabbit and deer tolerant, with squirrels usually avoiding it too! 

8. Primrose (Primula) 

Primrose blooms from late winter to late spring, adding a beautiful bloom to your garden. The petals are lined with thin white stripes, giving them a unique look.

The flowers can reach a height of eight inches and a width of ten, making them the perfect small blue flower to have. 

Their yellow centers are fragrant, adding a wonderful smell to your garden. These bloom flowers for longer than others on our list today and will look beautiful under roses, shrubs, or in containers.

The flower goes dormant in the summer months, but can bloom again in the fall, providing you with lots of time to enjoy the beautiful striped flower! 

You can also breathe a sigh of relief as rabbits and deer tend to avoid Primrose! 

9. Pansies (Viola Tricolor) 

Finally, completing our list today we have Pansies! These can grow annually in most areas, or as short-lived perennials in hardiness zones 9 to 11, providing the summers aren’t too hot.

The beautiful blooms will flower in the spring and fall, coming in a variety of colors, including the beautiful blue you can see pictured above. 

These flowers prefer cool weather, with temperatures of 45 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the soil. If you plant these in the fall, they can bloom through the winter too! You need a warmer climate for this to happen.

You can plant them in beds, window boxes, or pots, so no matter what type of garden you have, you can enjoy a blue Pansy!

Final Thoughts 

And there you have it, nine stunning small blue flowers that bloom in early spring! Any of these flowers will make a wonderful addition to your garden, adding some blooms to the early spring and bringing a delicious scent with them too! 

Be sure to make use of our guidance when deciding where to plant these flowers and you can enjoy some early blooming flowers! 

Diane Peirce
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